Do extra terrestrials really exist ?

Hubble telescope photographed billions of glaxies in the universe nad every galaxy holds billions of stars and each star holds many planets. So this possibly makes there is life out there.


Hubble telescope photographed billions of galaxies in the universe and every galaxy holds billions of stars and each star holds many planets. So this possibly makes there is life out there.


  • Rubbish. There are more grains of sand on Earth than there are stars in the observable universe. That does not guarantee that there is a grain somewhere with the Declaration of Independence etched microscopically on it's surface by the forces of nature. And even if there is such a grain, there is zero chance you would ever find it .


  • Yes they do.

    The more recent satellites which have been launched in an effort to detect life in the Universe

    make Hubble's photos look like those of an out-of-focus & steamed mirror.

    We are currently aware of fourteen "very definitive" targets (Planets) which display indications of life

    based on the fact that "artificial" (not natural) light has been observed upon their surfaces.

    They are out there. As to whether or not *we* will be informed of it, or not ... is anybody's guess.

  • If the gas cloud around galaxy can stretch for 100 Million Light years, it stands to reason that small little life forms such as ours would have to be pretty arrogant to think we are the only life anomaly that exists in all creation.

  • Yea it is. There is many people in this world seen UFO. Some of them classified by governments. Possibly aliens are technically more advances then us which is the same reason we can track them clear. Our growth on space technology is good but very slow which make hard to track them. Hope future generation will find them.

  • there is undoubtedly other life forms in the universe. But you will not experience them, if the other life form had a way to view earth they would most likely be seeing the era of dinosaurs due to the magnitude of the universe. They wouldn't see humans due to the speed that light travels. It would take thousands of light year to reach some other galaxies

  • If there are no other organisms that evolved to build civilizations, then we might be the first civilization, OR

    we are too far away from these organisms (or the aliens) to make contact with us.

    Yeah, there might be a chance,

  • it's kind of like asking if god exist's nobody truly knows at this point BUT there is most likely a higher percentage that aliens exist than god but who knows. cant be forsure yet.

  • It's about 100% that there is other life out there. What kind is the mystery.

  • The chances of life out there is astronomically high.

  • Most likely, however we are unlikely to ever make contact with any.

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