Is a passport necessary if you're driving into Mexico or Canada?

I know that under new definitely is necessary if your're flying out of the country....but what about driving? Is a birth-certificate enough in this situation?



  • For now, a birth certificate and picture ID will suffice. That all changes January 1, 2008 though. After that, you'll need a passport to get back into the U.S. regardless of where you're going or how you're getting there. Right now it's taking six to eight weeks to get a passport, so don't wait until the last minute to get one if you'll need one.

  • I'm not sure about going to Mexico, but I do know about Canada as I just was there over the weekend. Because of the new passport laws, I looked it up online. Passports will not be needed to drive into Canada until January 1, 2008. Until then, you will need a photo license or other approved forms of ID. Please see link for more detailed information.

  • No. I think that starts late this year.

    I recently drove into a Mexico border town and they didn't even check out licenses, much less ask for a passport. It depends on the location, but I think it is just a flight safety measure.

    I'd take an ID and birth certificate just in case and enjoy your trip.

  • Not yet if you're driving. For US citizens, you have to have one now if you're flying to or from Canada. It will be as early as Jan 1 2008 if you're going by "land or sea". Here's the State Dept site for the new travelers requirements:

    Here's our page on passports and visas:

    Happy travels... even if you don't travel the world... just remember that life is a journey... embrace and enjoy it! http://www.mousetourstravels/

  • I'm pretty sure you either need one now or will soon. But I'd still get a passport anyway, since it'll make your border crossings easier.

  • No, you need a birth certificate to go into Canada and vice-versa.

  • it is wise to take passport with you because when you are coming back then you will require to show them to border securities. so better dont take any chance with just the driver's licence.

  • not until December

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