Does God serve a meaningless existence?

I mean what is his motive. Of course he doesn't exist if you think about it.

It's like if we take a colony of ants and look how they live. The goods ones all get into a bigger colony and we kill all of the bad ones. There is no point in doing something like that. God is a fable, a meaningless fable.

I haev devised a simple equation:

God = Stupidity + Irrational Fools


Just look at some of those crap answers. They aren't even answers!!!


  • i do agree with you.god does not exists.

    if god does exists,he is power less,can do nothing.

  • And your life, without God, is full of meaning is it?

    Just because you do not believe it does not give you the right to stop the people who do believe in the truth that God is alive and most certainly kicking!

    And to answer your question, no, God does not serve a meaningless existence, after all, He created existence! Without Him, there is nothing!

  • No. Do you?

    Your extra comments are rather arrogant, to suggest you KNOW the God does not exist. Some of the world's greatest thinkers disagree with you.

    I am please you haeved devised a simple equation. Haev yuo aslo divesed a smlpe wya to splel?

  • I think you are confusing God with religion.

    Religion and religious people have hijacked God and tried to drag him down to their level.

    But no matter what they say or do, God is still God, and if you haven't met him yet I suggest you try on a one to one level. Forget all the religious hype and rigmarole and see him as the Creator, not what he has created.

    You can tell if you are talking to the one and only God of Creation, he wants nothing from you, needs nothing from you, and he has given you total freewill, even up to the point of not believing in him if you don't want to.

    He has created you and put you on this earth to learn, grow and develop as a person. If you don't want to then don't, he will not be bothered. He can send you back as many times as it takes, time is nothing to him.

    But instead of ranting and raving against God, try getting to now him first, but stay away from religion as it will screw you up.

  • Hey you keep your creed and let others keep theirs. It takes a fool to know a fool remember.

  • OK, I don't mind what you believe. Live and let live.

  • And I agree.

  • god is perfect . that is how he became God

  • singin' aye aye ippy ippy aye aye ippy ippy aye..

  • i guees we wnt know the real truth until we die

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