six flags tragedy!!! georgia?

isn't it really stupid that a 17 year old boy would risk his life for a cap. In georgia at six flags the 17 year old boy lost his cap under the batman ride. When he went to go get it, he had to climb over 2 six foot fences that said danger do not enter. Then the ride came zooming by and chopped off his head. This was all just for a cap! I think it is gross! I do feel sorry for the boy even though it was his own fault. What do you think?


  • I truly believe that you have what's coming to you if you risk your life, in any situation. But I don't think he deserved to die b/c of some cap, I don't care how important it might have been to him, he could've called personnel to assist him. All in all it's just a tragedy that he had to lose his life b/c of a bad split second decision.

  • That is a horrible thing to happen to someone but it wasen't Six Flags fault because they put those fences and signs there for a reason. People should really think before they do something like that.

    I once saw a video in Youtube about another kid getting his hat from a working ride at Universal Studios in Orlando on the Jurrassic Park ride. He was close to getting hit!

  • The hat thing is a rumor. I wish people would stop stating it as fact. I live in Atlanta and on our local news they stated that he was jumping the fence as a short cut to get inside the park. Six Flags stayed open and they opened the Batman Ride back up right after the police investigation was over.

  • In this day and age, things are prized more than life. Houses, cars, clothes, luxury communication is what sociey has taught us. We go to work for things. We buy things to make people happy and to make ourselves happy. THAT is why that child went to get that hat. It's not his fault, totally. He is responsible for his own actions...but you have to realize why he acted that way. It's the way we live. He's not stupid. He was just living the way everyone else does everyday. We break the speed limit and risk lives to keep from clocking in a few minutes late so that we can get to work and have money to pay for the things we want or already have. Material things have always been so important to people. We want our houses, our cars...our special clothes. We want and want and want. I don't believe that will change. This will happen again and again. Hindesight is 20/20...of coarse. We can talk about how stupid what that 17 year old did...but it's funny no one talks about how stupid it is how we ALL all prize things the way we do. I bet you could think of something you did right now...something you did that you almost hurt yourself over or DID hurt yourself over. Either way...please try not to be so judgemental. We all do things that we regret. Let's just be thankful that we are around to regret them.

  • I think its a sad thing, I feel for his family where was his friends at? how come they didnt try to stop him I know if I was there and he was my friend I woulda tried to stop him if he aint listen I woulda straight up snitched. They said do not enter for a reason Jus tlike they say dont stick yuh hands out on certain rides. And im sorry aint nobody life gon be on my mind. But im sorry this happend cause that aint no pretty way to die.

  • Yes, and this is also an example of how we can lose those we love in a split second; I doubt that his family and church group that was with him that day even thought that maybe if he left to go get his hat that that would be the last time they ever got to see him alive again. Truly heartbraking, especiallly for his family, friends, church group, and the boy who watched him die.

  • While I do think it was poor judgment on his part to retrieve a hat in what was obviously a dangerous area, I'm sure he didn't think about the consequences. It really is a tragedy and a lesson for others - "danger" signs & "keep out" signs are posted for good reasons.

  • I think he totally wasnt thinking that day a 17 year old boy should know not to do that kind of thing.

  • r u serious or r u just bored n asking retarded questions

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