100 piranhas vs a sperm whale?

What are the possible outcomes? do u think the piranhas will slowly eat up a sperm whale or do you think the sperm whale will swallow all of them?


@Andrew hey i think the if all the 100 ants (depending on what type eg.The Bullants or the african ants) bites my leg it would probably eat it in a matter of minutes


  • To the people answering about ants, we used to put bulls heads(after they died of course) in a fire ant hill and we would come back to a clean skull the next day, so yeah an army of ants could whoop that *** if they wanted to and you sat still long enough.

  • Sperm whale live in the oceans. Piranhas are fresh water fish. Even if they did meet, both would probably leave each other alone. Piranhas usually eat injured or dead animals. Sperm whale dive deep in the ocean and eat squid.

  • do sperm whales even eat piranhas.... if so, then sperm whale. do you know how big those things are? and do you know how small piranhas are? yes they are small and vicious, but the size difference is just too massive. it's like an ant taking a bite out of your leg. so i guess the question is, you vs 100 ants. who will win?

  • Do you think a pirhana's tiny jaw and sharp teeth could penetrate the thick hide of a sperm whale? I don't, but since neither can survive in eachother's natural habitat I wouldn't worry too much about it.

  • Sperm whales produce ultra sonic low and high pitches which would microwave the fish.

  • Since the whale CAN'T get up into a SHALLOW fresh water stream in S.Am....it won't EVER HAPPEN,will it?

    &NO,ants couldn't eat your leg in a MONTH!

  • It would take more than 100 because with that number they'll be swallowed in one go.

  • 100 piranhas, omg what do you think, the piranhas going to attack in the back

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