homemade facemask?

anybody have any good recipes? not something over complicated , but with items you might find in thepantryor the fridge?


  • Honey mask

    About 1 tbs. honey apply to face and let sit 10-15 min. Rinse.

    (Anti-bacterial so it's good for acne and even if you don't have acne it's a great moisturizing mask.)

    Papaya mask/exfoliant

    Cut papaya in 1 inch chunks. Blend/mash 2 or 3 chunks and store the wrest in the freezer. Apply the blended/mashed papaya and leave on face for 10-20 min. Use 2 or 3x a week.

    The papaya may tingle but that just means that the papaya is working and it is breaking down dead skin cells to give that lovely glow and since it breaks down the dead skin it clears out the pores and in turn they shrink!!! (You may not see the results you want until you use it for a while.)

    Egg white mask

    1 egg white

    1 tsp. cornstarch

    Beat ingredients. Apple to face, let dry 10-15 min. Rinse.

    (Tightens pores. Makes you look like you got a mini face lift!!)

    Banana mask

    However much you want of banana . Apply to face let sit 10-15 min. Rinse

    Honey & Banana mask

    However much of each you'd like. Apply to face let sit 10-15 min. Rinse

    OJ does it

    Combine 2 tbs. orange juice with 1/4 a cup of honey

    Apply to face let sit for thirty minutes. Rinse.

    Papaya & honey mask

    Blend together two tbs. of honey and 1/4 a cup of mashed ripe papaya Apply to face, let sit 20 min. Rinse.

    Carrots and papaya

    Mix together an egg yolk, 3 tbs. of mashed papaya, mix in 3 tbs. of cooked and mashed carrots. Apply to face, let sit for 30 min. Rinse.

    Egg, which hazel & lemon juice mask

    1 egg white

    6 drops witch hazel

    6 drops lemon juice

    Whisk the egg white, add the remaining ingredients. Gently apply the mixture to your face, avoiding your eyes. Leave to dry for aprox.15 minutes. Rinse.

    Tomato Mask ( For oily skin )

    Mash up a ripe tomato and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm (not hot) water.

    Acne or oily skin Mask

    Mix 1 tsp. brewers yeast with plain yogurt to make a thin mixture. Apply it thoroughly into all the oily areas and let sit for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse.

    Avocado Facial Mask (Very moisturzing)

    Mash/blend the inside (no pit) of the avocado into a creamy texture. Apply to face let sit for 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse.

    Oatmeal Facial Mask

    Take 2 tsp oatmeal and 1 tsp baking soda and add water to make paste. Apply to face, let sit 10-15 min. Rinse.

    Facial Mask

    Squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white. Apply to face, let sit 10-15 min. Rinse.

    Clay Facial mask

    Choose the right clay for your skin type. (French-oily-acne, bentonite-normal, cosmetic or white-any, kaolinite pink-normal-combo, kaolinite white-dry-mature, kaolinite red-sensitive. Add plain water or floral waters or try wetting agents such as fruit purees . Make a thick paste of the clay. Apply the mask to your skin and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse well with warm water and pat dry. Repeat weekly. ( I use french clay)

    Banana Face mask for Dry Skin

    Mash 1/2 cup of natural yogurt, 1 tbs. of honey, and 1/4 ripe banana. Apply this pack on face and neck and let sit for 10 minutes, rinse.

    Hope this helps!!!

  • This is my favourite honey facial mask recipe!! It works amazingly well :D


    Raw honey works amazing because not only is it natural, but it has anti-bacterial properties that works just as good and probably better than any lab-made cream in the market. I Highly recommend honey facial masks.

    Homemade facemask?

  • this is alot of face masks enjoy!

    - Combine 1 tablespoon of nonfat instant powdered milk, 1 teaspoon unflavored yogurt

    - Add half a cucumber, peeled and sliced in small peices

    - Put all ingredients in a blender and mix until pasty

    - Spread all over the face, keeping it on for at least twenty minutes

    (my favorite, it doesn't smell as good as the others but it's the most effective that i've tried)





    hope it helps

  • theres one where you use an egg yolk a tablespoon of yeast and a mashed banana and you just mix them all together and leave on for 15 minutes

    the yeast cleans your face and the banana smooths your skin and the egg keeps the ingredients from sepeating

  • nicely i'm 13 and all i take advantage of is Palmer's cocoa butter , i in simple terms unfold it for the duration of my face in a skinny layer and it consistently keeps my dermis moisturized (hehe i'm spelling it the american way, stupid spell checker) then i shop it on for approximately 10 minutes and wash it off. wonderful and risk-free. desire i helped! x

  • I was gonna say oatmeal works good...and egg. But I think Kayla took the cake on this one! lol

  • mashed strawberries with yoghurt

    mashed avacados with honey

  • egg whites and lemon juice mixed together.

    it sounds really gross, but it makes your skin feel really soft, and it dries out oils.

  • Facial Cleansers/Scrubs:

    Kiwi Facial Cleansing Cream:

    1 kiwi, peeled

    2 tbsp plain yogurt

    1 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil

    1 tbsp honey

    1 tsp almonds, finely ground

    Put the kiwi in a food processor and puree. Add yogurt, almond oil, almonds and honey. It will form a thick and creamy paste. Use like any facial cleanser. Rinse with plenty of warm water

    Coconut Cleanser

    3 Tbsp coconut oil

    1 Tbsp olive oil

    1 Tbsp glycerin

    2 tsp water


    Melt ingredients together over very low heat. When liquid, remove from heat and beat as mixture cools. Store in an airtight container

    Oatmeal Exfoliating Scrub


    2 heaped tsp fine oatmeal

    1 tsp baking soda


    Mix oatmeal and baking soda, add enough water to make a thick paste. Rub over face, rinse, pat dry


    2 teaspoons mashed banana

    2 teaspoons rolled oats

    1 teaspoon milk

    1 teaspoon honey

    Mix all ingredients together in a bowl it forms a smooth paste.

    Apply to your face and leave it on for 10 minutes.

    After 10 minutes, massage it into your face. Allow it to sit for 5 more minutes.

    Rinse off thoroughly with warm water.


    Pineapple and papaya, cut into tiny pieces

    A tablespoon each of pineapple and papaya juice (squeeze out the juice)

    A tablespoon of old-fashioned oatmeal

    A tablespoon of honey (look for one with no additives)

    Collect the ingredients together.

    Crush the pineapple and papaya and squeeze the juice of each fruit into a bowl. Add the oatmeal and a tablespoon of natural honey. Mix well. Wet your face with lukewarm water, (the water acts to prepare and dry your skin)

    Gently massage the exfoliant into your skin using circular motions, being careful not to get any into your eyes.

    Leave exfoliant scrub on for about 5 minutes.

    Moisten a face cloth with warm water.

    Gently remove the exfoliant being careful not to get any in your eyes. Once removed, dry your face with a clean towel by patting your face to remove excess water. And there you have it - super radiant skin- the natural way! Use a moisturiser to help seal the nutrients, apply sparsely to prevent clogging of the pores.

    Citrus Scrubbing Grains

    1/2 cup dried orange peel

    1/2 cup dried lemon peel

    1 cup cooked oatmeal

    1 cup blanched almonds

    Place all ingredients in a blender and whirl until reduced to fine powder. Store in an airtight container for future use. Moisten grains in the palm of your hand with a little water, scrub over face in circular motions, rinse with warmish water, pat face dry.

    Cucumber Facial Scrub:

    Blend 1 tsp honey with ¼ medium peeled cucumber.

    Mix the ingredients in a blender until smooth and

    add a small amount of water if needed.

    Strain the mixture and remove the vegetable and honey mixture into a small bowl.

    Add the following mixed meals to the liquid: 1 teaspoon almond meal,

    1 teaspoon ground oatmeal, 1 teaspoon sunflower seed meal, 1 teaspoon wheat germ.

    Honey Cleansing Scrub:

    Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice and 2 tsp ground almonds.

    Rub gently onto face. Rinse off with warm water.

    Strawberry Facial Scrub:

    Make a mixture of 1 tsp brown sugar and 2 mashed strawberries.

    Brown sugar will remove dead cells and strawberries are going

    to make your skin baby-soft.

    Sea-salt and Olive Oil Facial Scrub:

    1 tsp olive oil ( cold pressed ) and 1/2 tsp sea salt applied gently to a wet face

    will not only remove dead cells, but it will also improve micro-circulation.

    Olive oil is going to nourish the skin, leaving it incredibly soft

    Facial masks:

    Avocado & Honey Face Mask (For dry skin)

    2 tablespoons of avocado

    2 tablespoons honey

    1 egg yolk

    Mash up the avocado, add the honey and egg. Mix it all together. Apply to face.

    Puree 1/2 peeled, sliced cucumber in a blender or food processor and add 1 tablespoon yogurt. Apply to face and let set about 20 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.

    Crush a handful of strawberries and mix well with 1 teaspoon honey. Apply to face and let set for about 15 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.

    Just Peachy Facial Mask

    (normal skin)

    1 medium peach

    1 tablespoons honey


    Cook peach until its soft, mash with a fork, add honey and oatmeal until its a thick consistency. Apply to skin. Let sit for 10 minutes, rinse well with cool water.

    Bay Clay Facial Mask

    (for acne prone skin)

    4 tablespoons French clay

    5 dried bay leaves

    1 cup distilled water

    Place the bay leaves into a cup of boiled water, let cool. Strain but keep the liquid. Slowly add the bay liquid to the clay until it is a fairly thick mixture. Dab onto your skin then allow to dry for about 15 - 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

    Banana Supreme Facial Mask

    (dry skin)

    2 medium bananas

    * honey optional

    Mash bananas with a fork...dont over mash or it will be too runny. Add honey* if desired. Smooth over skin, let sit for 10 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

    Apple Zinger Facial Mask

    (oily skin that is acne prone)

    1 medium size apple (grated)

    5 tablespoons of honey

    Mix the grated apple and mix with honey to make a mask. Smooth over skin then let sit for 10 minutes, rinse off with cool water.

    Carrot Top Facial Mask

    (normal - oily skin)

    2-3 large carrots

    4 1/2 tablespoons honey

    Cook carrots, then mash. Mix with honey. Apply gently to the skin, wait 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

    Sweet Strawberry Facial Mask

    (oily skin)

    8 - 9 whole strawberries

    3 tablespoons honey

    Using a fork mash strawberries into a pulp, add honey. Mix. Don't over blend or it will be runny. Apply directly to the skin, let sit for a few minutes then rinse off.

    Blackhead Mask

    1/2 cup of lemon juice

    4 drops of lavendar oil

    1 tsp.olive oil or coconut oil

    1/2 cup of crushed oats

    1 Tbsp.baking soda

    4 Tbsp. of grated apple

    Mix it all together and apply evenly over your skin, leave to dry then wash off throughly. Amazing stuff, give it a try. You'll LOVE the result! (It also works wonders all over your body)

    Oatmeal and grean tea facial mask

    3 tablespoons of oatmeal

    1 tablespoon of brown sugar

    1 tablespoon of honey

    contents of one green tea bag

    1/4 cup hot water

    Mix the hot water, contents of green tea bag and the oatmeal into a paste.

    Blend or stir in the honey and brown sugar

    Smooth mask on to your face.

    Leave it on for 15 minutes.

    Rinse off with luke warm water.

    Carrot,green tea, yogurt mask

    1 cooked carrot, mashed. (great for oily skin and full of vitamin a)

    1 green teabag, opened and soak contents in 1/2 teaspoon of water.

    1 tablespoon whole milk yogurt.

    Mix all ingredients together to form a smooth consistency. Apply to face avoiding eye area. Rinse with warm water

    Mix a packet of yeast with enough tea tree oil to make a paste. Spread over emerging pimple and cover with a bandage overnight.

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