Do myself and my siblings names sound pretty as a sib-set?

I am 15 and I have two little 8 month old sisters who are twins! I was just wondering if our names make a pretty sibling-set?

Kate Elizabeth (me)

Hermione Rose

Elsie Addaleine (ad-a-lyn)

So, are they a pretty sib-set?

Thanks :)


Hermione wasn't named after Hermione from Harry Potter! It's an old english name! :)


  • Your mom named one of your sisters after a character from harry potter. But yes it's pretty

  • yeah I think all three of you have pretty names :)

    and Hermione! how cute. was she named after the Harry Potter character?

  • Yeah, it's pretty, and you go really well. But i prefer Adeleine to Addaleine, not that you can do anything, but still.

    My favourite is Kate Elizabeth.

  • YES! Your name has got to be my favorite.

  • Yes, it's pretty. :)

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