X-Factor... Poor Audio?
There seems to be a huge technical problem with their sound, on this important night.
The sound on all microphones is very muffled, distant, flat, garbled, pathetic. I thought Josh had a bad performance, because it sounded so terrible, but then Rene sounded the same. The commercial comes on and it's fine. It sound like maybe someone F'd up an equallizer or something.. Still bad.
Update:It sounds like there is one microphone in the whole building.
A $5 million contest decided with crappy audio.
Yea it is, i get that too lol
I guess is not only me! Good! I really wish they fix this! So sad! They could save some money for the audio instead of the huge scenario lol
It has always been like that though, I always have trouble hearing what they are signing. Their sound is pretty crappy I will agree.
I hope next year they get better audio.
I agree... there is a sound issue. A HUGE ISSUE.. sounds horrible... I thought it was my sound system...until a commercial came on... What a huge mistake!
they did it to cover up the fact no one could sing. really no joke you could tell thats what they where doing