Do you smoke cigarettes?

If so what kinds? I smoke Marlboro Golds mmm! I know they're bad for me but who cares! There are other things that are worser than cigarettes. Like mcdonalds but we eat that anyway.. So take your anti smokers elsewhere!


  • Technically, no, I don't.

    I vape e-cigs which are totally healthy. It has no tar, carcinogens or chemicals.

    It only has water vapour, nicotine and flavoring.

  • Yes,kool menthol a nasty habit trying to get rid of it, reminder to the young folks ,don't smoke ,if do give it up ,it's not worth it also i heard a pack of cigarettes is 10 dollars a pack in New york if you smoke a pack a day, for a year 3,650 dollars a year just think what you can do with that money, no need to worry i took a look at myself for what i spend per year and the years smoking could of brought a nice car, and a down payment on a house.

  • Sandy, there are risks in everything we do, and there is nothing wrong with smoking, if you understand the risks. Like you said, eating some food,like greasy burgers may kill you quicker then smoking. My wife and I are both smokers and have raised 3 perfectly health children, so don't let anyone try to make you feel bad for choosing to smoke. YOU decide and YOU live with the results !

  • i will enable you recognize what~ I even have smoked cigg's on and off for no less than 35 years. while my wellbeing grew to become undesirable and swiftly~ Im inhaling air and its not likely to my lungs to grant me Oxygen~ ITS an excellent FREAK OUT! while i replaced into smoking weed~ it made me sense like i replaced into not on top of problems with myself and that i felt very paranoid. It replaced into like being unsleeping in a living hell for me. I basically smoked weed for much less then a million year. yet there are situations I nevertheless pass over the peace and quietness of smoking a cigg. yet I dont prefer to ever journey that loss of air in my lungs ever back. I under no circumstances have cared an iota related to the main cancers from the ciggs~ its the lack of oxygen. i assume you will would desire to envision what I wrote, and delete my solutions as a results of fact i'd desire to under no circumstances ever want the two any extra~ yrs in the past, it would have been the cigg. nevertheless.

  • Yeah but it's a disgusting habit and lambert and butler

    * To that person who keeps repeating themselves by saying "sheep" below.. I am pretty sure if i wanted to fit in, i would not smoke. None of my friends do. Some people have real problems and cigarettes are a stress relief. What a small minded person

  • Smoking makes you use words that don't exist. Worser? Ok. Go back to school little girl; and stop trying to be a bad little attention seeker. Smoking is bad for you; and stupid girls only do it to fit in. You're all sheep, and wouldn't be able to think for yourself if you were the last mind on earth. Look at how many girls smoke compared to boys. As I said: sheep.

  • Are you a troll?

    You know cigarettes are practically poison smoke you inhale.

    Not to mention they destroy your lungs and brain and are highly addictive.

    And niccotene is a lethal poison.

    To compare cigarettes to mcDonalds is idiotic, because you can't be addicted to god damn Mickey Ds.

    You will probably die of lung cancer or any of the other cancers they cause.

  • Occasionally I smoke Winchester little cigars, Zig-Zag cigarillos are another I like.

    Too those saying that smoking is worse than McD's...last I heard obesity raises the risk of heart disease, blood pressure, etc. Eat plenty of McD's and you will die just as fast.

  • yeah, virginia slim superslim golds are my main brand but I like benson & hedges menthols when im looking for something different. I really like capri magentas too but they are like $8 a pack here now so I really cant afford them.

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