Why does North Korea hate america so much?

I am watching this documentary called A state of mind, and those koreans HATE america they teach children in school how bad america is, they blame everything in their country that's wrong on the Americans! I have proud patriotism for America it's an amazing country, if those 2 girls in the movie came and lived in America for a day, they probably wouldn't want to leave. The people in the documentary are mad at the war in iraq,(which we went into on self defense)

give me your thoughts?



very good answer!


  • Because its convenient for them to use America as a scapegoat. The North Korean government definitely don't want their citizens blaming them for all the country's problems, so they find someone else to point their finger at.

  • Every despotic government needs that common threat so that they can position themselves as the only thing that can save the people from annihilation. Of course the other part of that is to cut off the people from any source of independent information.

    Every despot since WW2 has used the U.S. as the big bad wolf. Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, every low life Banana Republic dictator (currently it's Hugo Chavez) that ever existed.

    Most of the time the people's opinion it just the opposite of the government's. Countries like North Korea have tightly controlled information outlets. I am sure these girls were hand picked and coached on what to say. Only Michael Moore thinks that you can get unbiased, factual information from a country like North Korea and Cuba.

  • Obama and Hillary both, especially Obama went around to other countries blaming America for other countries problems. this is what happens when America elects a Anti American as President and puts Anti Americans in high positions. When our own President hates America and is doing every thing he can to turn America into a place even worse than N. Korea, what does other countries think of us, blame Obama and His Anti American politics and crones. Obama started the lies about America, cause he hates us, he will not even secure our Borders in America, he wants us to be invaded and destroyed, pretty sorry President, this Obama.

  • North Korea and South Korea have been at war for a very long time. In 1950 the US joined with South Korea to keep North Korea from taking over the Korean peninsula. The war is still going on, it went int a cease fire in 1953, but technically N and S Korea are still at war, and we are still involved.

  • I think most of the people do not hate the US. They are forced to act like that because if they don't, their family will be murdered. That's why they can easily set up millions of soldiers along the border to fight. If they don't fight, family will deny. If they escape, family will die.

    As for the Iraq war, we didn't go into there for self defense. It was a stupid war based on faulty intelligence.

  • They are isolated from the rest of the world, so they only news they get is news approved by Kim Jong-Il, and before him Kim Il Sung. All they know of the outside world, is what the party tells them.

  • Read up on the Korean war it might give you an insight to why they feel like that.

  • That little Midget for a ruler they have in NK is nuts, but the people won't dare say anything about him.

    To answer your question, most countries are jealous of our way of life, but they also hate us because

    we try to be the world police....which irritates the hell out of me too.

  • You know, taking South Korea's side and killing a ton of North Korea's people probably had something to do with it.

    I mean, I don't know about you, but it sure seems like a good reason to be upset to me.

    Remember that everything is propaganda, by the way. Don't believe it until you see it for yourself.

  • Why does NK deserve our respect? They captured 2 of our woman and were about to sentence them to years of hard labor and have isolated themselves from the rest of the world.

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