Windows 7/Vista Dual Boot?

I just downloaded Windows 7 RC and installed it on a separate partition of my only Hard Drive, which also has all of my files, programs, and Vista. The install went well and 7 is working fine.

This might be a basic question, but how do I get all of my programs from my D drive (with Vista OS) to run on my C drive (with Windows 7) without installing them? I have several hundred gigs of programs and stuff that won't fit on my 20GB Windows 7 partition. I would like them to work when I use Vista as well.

For example, I'll try to run Microsoft Word from my D drive, and it pops up an error message saying "The operating system is not presently configured to run this Application."

I know this means that it doesn't have the proper files installed in the Windows 7 OS, but can I make it work without installing everything?

My first time dual-booting, please be patient :]


  • Certain programs like Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop etc are not portable. In general as a rule of thumb any program that takes up to much time to install (creates too many registry entries) cannot be run simultaneously on two OS'es installed on the same computer.

    Certain small program like Irfanview, Winamp, VLC Player, VCDCut, Winavi Video Converter, Foxit PDF viewer can be run without any problems.

    If you really want to run non portable programs say Microsoft Office on both the OS'es simply reinstall Word on in the same directory and on the same folder. This way you would save space on your drives. However bear in mind that if you uninstall that program in one OS, it would lead to invalid entries in the registry and orphaned system files in the other OS.

  • I have Windows 7 triple booted with Windows XP and Ubuntu 8.04.

    This is actually not a problem with your hard disk for two reasons:

    1) You're able to access your Windows Vista hard drive

    2) It's a problem with Microsoft Office -- you're not able to run it yet in Win7. At least, not any version that is installed on another version of Windows. I got the same error on my computer.

    Try running another non-Microsoft application from your Vista partition; it should run perfectly. You can always try to install Office again on your Win7 partition, or you could install OpenOffice.

    Good luck!

  • I think not Mr. I think he recognizes only what is installed on the OS partition.

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