What do you consider yourself liberal, conservative, secular progressive?

Just curious no need to go into details and if it isn't listed in the question I'm not boiling it down to the three just wondering what kind of respons will be drawn from this. So tell me where you are on the political landscape and if it's something unique a description would be awesome.


  • I am myself and Liberal - We all belong we just don't all get along.

  • Liberal

  • Independent with a deep loathing of the current administration. Independents choose the individual to meet the challenge of the times. They don't offer blind loyalty to someone based on the party they claim to represent.

  • I'm a moderate conservative. Some of my views border on liberal and moderate, and I'm not really a "hard" right-wing. On a scale of one to ten (one being ultra-liberal and ten being ultra-conservative) I'm about a six or seven.

  • Libertarian as long as you're no longer threatening to others bodily or morally, pass away me on my own. do no longer question me to settle to your way of existence. My opinion should not matter to you considering the fact which you opinion approximately me does not matter to me. every person needs to pay a minimum federal earnings tax bill in spite of employment status or earnings earned. we've too many human beings living off of the production of others.

  • Monarchist

  • I am a Discordian. My political beliefs transcend western democracy and liberal/conservative dichotomies.

  • Mostly Neo Conservative.

  • I'm Pro-American as long as we get rid of the right. If not I'm a Pinko-Commie liberal.

  • I am a progressive. Republicans call me "liberal" because they think it draws blood. It draws no blood. Jesus Crist would of been also called a liberal by Republicans. That's good company for me.

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