email address?

I need to know how to change my email adress ? I really dont like it and I cant figure out how to do it. I would like to do it before I get to using it so people dont get use t one and then get another one thrown at them. Please get back to me on this. I really appriciate your help. Thank you



    in ur existing account (2 Id's in one account)

    It's really easy follow these easy steps:

    go to Yahoo Mail,

    click on the "Mail Options" link.

    Click on "Mail Addresses".

    At the bottom of the page you will see a

    section on Extra Email Addresses.

    Click on "Get Started" follow the instructions

    to create an Extra Email Address.

    goodluck ^_^

  • You need to sign up again as a new user. Then, go to old email and forward all stuff you kept and addresses to new email. The old email will expire after a time period when you don't use it.

  • Your email address is fixed and cannot be changed. I suggest to create a new you like. Your nick name can be changed as this is a display name only, don't get confused!

  • What you have to do is to open another Yahoo account. You cannot change your Yahoo e mail address on the existing account.

  • You can't change your address. Just pick a new one that you like and start using it.

  • open the yahoo home page and click on sign up... and then fill in the form and ur mail id is ready

  • i think you can't change it but you can make a new one, and by some time the one you're old one will be closed if u don't use it....

  • is tis for your yahoo email address??

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