how many cars do.??

you have??

Garage;driveway ;street or ...other parking??


  • I have three. 2 garage, 1 driveway

  • 2 but drive only 1

  • F-150 Ford and a P T crusier.

  • 1 car only a driveway - we have hurricanes here - guess there either too dangerous or too expensive to replace

  • Used to have only one, now I am down to none because of my car accident, they had to total my car it was in bad shape. So now I am out looking for a car.

  • currently have three, the one I drive, a Jeep Grand Cherokee, then there is the '79 Ramcharger I am restoring, and the other truck that is for parts for the '79.

  • I have one, its a piece of crap. I have to park in the visitor parking at my apartment building because I don't have an allocated space.

  • one and it's in the parking lot with everyone elses cars

  • only have 1.... can't drive more than that at a time so no need to have any more than 1

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