POLL: Do you consider yourself a good driver?

yes or no

also please state if you are male or female


  • Female, and yes. My history agrees - no tickets or accidents.

  • I'm male, never been in an accident and I ride a motorcycle, but I don't consider myself a good driver or a good rider. Unless you actually take part in some motorsport, how do you know if you're good or bad at controlling a vehicle? I may be a good driver for all I know, or I may be terrible, but I choose not to CONSIDER myself a good driver because it keeps me alert, safe, and alive.

  • male, depends on what you call a good driver, I've had no accidents but I'vee had about 4 tickets over the 7 1/2 years i've had my license so if you go by obeying laws perfect then im usually good but sometimes not lol, but if you want to talk about good with maneuvering and the actual ability to drive good then yes i am a good driver

  • Yes, male.

  • Yea male never been an a accident

  • Female and not really, I've never had a serious accident but I've had a couple minor ones and lots of close calls.

  • yes I do,, Male,, except I am inpatient.. I believe your best drivers are motorcycle riders or past riders. They better be.

  • i am 12 years old i drive my dads manual 4X4 car in his friends farm and stuff i consider my self a good driver

    Also i am in australia NSW and i also ride dirt bikes and i really good at that

  • Male,,,, yepper.

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