How badly do colleges?

HOw badly do colleges look at 2 Cs in one's sophomore year in a transcript when one made a significant improvement in one's junior year. Those Cs were a result of family/personal problems ?



  • well, first of all, sophomore year is one of the most important it is kind of bad to have 2 C's for NO REASON. but you said you had family/personal problems, i think it will be fine. but make sure to mention those problems in your personal statement or somewhere in your application. i had bad grades in sophomore year and i got accepted to UC Berkeley and UCLA dont worry so much.

  • Seriously? Sophomore year doesn't matter. No one will care about your 2 C's unless you're trying to get into an Ivy League school.

    Just try to do well during your Junior and Senior years. Senior year of course being more important.

    As long as you get a decent SAT score, and have a decent cumulative GPA when you graduate HS, don't worry about it.

    You didn't fail the class. No biggie.

  • Yeah they choked in the Rose Bowl, just like Ohio State choked in the Championship game. What were those scores again? Rose Bowl: U of M 18 USC 32 and the BCS Championship game OSU 14 Florida 41, what a b*tch slapping! Big Ten teams suck!

  • IDK where you live but where I do the SATS don't matter if you stay in state only ACTS. Don't worry about those 2 c's i had a c freshman year and still get letters from very prestigious colleges.

  • sophomore year is not critical. do well ur junior year and senior year. especially junior year (thats the most important year) as well as sats

  • as long as your getting a good GPA.

    my freshman teacher gave me a D cuz i talked back to him when he said i was too stupid to go to college (no joke! he was fired obviously) and the colleges dont even look at it.

    the real thing is your SATs. do good on thoses cuz most requirements are all about scores on your SATs.

    take them as many times as possible too!

  • They don't. Make sure you have lots of extra curricular activities and outside projects.

  • From your highschool grades? Depends where you are trying to go.

  • they won't care.. as long as they can get your money..

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