Be honest, do you know the name of Australia's Prime Minister?

Don't google honest! :) And Aussies don't count lol


  • I've polled the entire family. 0 out of 6 know.

    We're Americans. My mother who is a docent at the Columbus Zoo has been to Austrialia and could answer animal questions.

    I can tell you where the summer dance intensives [and such are] because I search the computer for the dance questions on yahoo answers

  • Sorry, no.

    I will google it now though. It bugs me to not know stuff!

    I do know some famous Aussies! Steve, Terri and Bindi Irwin... I love their family so much, finally people doing something for the well being of animals! RIP Steve :(

  • David Cameron

  • Kevin 07 hehe

  • Kevin Rudd.

  • um... Mr. Prime Minister of Australia?

    No... I dont know.

  • Kevin Rudd, and I am not an Aussie.

  • Kevin Dudd ........ aahh, oops, sorry i meant Kevin Rudd, but i don't count anyways, cos i'm an Aussie .......... :0)


  • It's Bob the Builder or Bindi Irwin.

    Not sure, and I am an Australian.

  • haha tony blair?

    lol thats the only prime minister i know of...

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