AGP/PCI to PCI express adapter/converter. I am looking to upgrade my GeForce Graphis Card?

Its all getting rather frustrating running a seven year old PC. I have managed to get over the IDE/SATA hurdle with relative ease however I am looking to upgrade my GeForce Graphics Card and it is not available in AGP only PCI Express.

Is there an adapter to place over the AGP slot to convert it to PCI Express


Current specs.

2.4ghz Pentium 4 CPU

2gb RAM

256mb DDR2 64bit AGPX8 GeForce 6200 Graphics


  • There are decent agp cards stil, no need to go wild with trying to get converters (don't even know that its possible).

    here are all of the agp cards still available on

    In all seriousness, unless you have a dual core athlon x2 series cpu, I don't see any reason to upgrade the gpu. I don't know what graphics card you currently have but if its a 6 series nvidia card, I just don't see the point unless you have an athlon x2 because otherwise the cpu you have will hold things back too much. There aren't any other cpu's that had motherboards that had agp for them that would be worth a significant expenditure on a decent agp board at this point. If you have a P4 or a single core athlon64 or XP, you shouldn't waste money on a new graphics card, not worth it.

  • agp cards are still available here in the uk, my local pc shop/distributor has 512 versions of yours for less than £35 (about $55 usd's) - although its not badged nvidia

    i guess this is for your linux,

    why would you want to upgrade your gpu ? check in your nvidia settings to see how much ram it has,

    mine has 256 but with turboboost it knocks it up to 512 (geforce 7100gs),

    it steals 256 from my system ram - which doesn't make any difference at all to that,

    with you having 2gb, then i guess you have 3,5gb swap space,

    so just type - free - in a terminal, check your ram usage at a given time to see if its balanced

    (i don't know if your card supports turboboost)

  • You're much better off getting a cheap motherboard with a PCI Express slot. Nor do I think what you are asking is even possible, nor would it run at a true PCIe x16 speed

  • Nope, the circuits inside work differently. Only converter dealt with siphoning power.

  • Hey stupid just buy a new PC instead of trying to upgrade a 7 year old piece of junk

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