Do presidents ever go out in public?

Like would you ever see bill Clinton, Obama , mitt romney at the beach in public or shopping for groceries at the mall or in public walking on the streets


  • You'd probably see Clinton at a nude beach, a strip club, or a prostitution house

    You could find Romney in a LDS church building on sundays

    And you would find Obama on a golf course

  • No they are away surrounded by secret service because some Americans will kill the president if they have a chance.

    1 Successful assassinations

    1.1 Abraham Lincoln

    1.2 James A. Garfield

    1.3 William McKinley

    1.4 John F. Kennedy

    2 Failed assassination attempts

    2.1 Andrew Jackson

    2.2 Abraham Lincoln

    2.3 Theodore Roosevelt

    2.4 Herbert Hoover

    2.5 Franklin D. Roosevelt

    2.6 Harry S. Truman

    2.7 John F. Kennedy

    2.8 Richard Nixon

    2.9 Gerald Ford

    2.10 Jimmy Carter

    2.11 Ronald Reagan

    2.12 George H. W. Bush

    2.13 Bill Clinton

    2.14 George W. Bush

    2.15 Barack Obama

    3 Presidential deaths rumored to be assassinations

    3.1 Zachary Taylor

    3.2 Warren G. Harding

  • Yes you would. Because that wouldn't ruin there reputation one bit. It would look just so professional to see Obama at the beach building a sand castle and then seeing Romney at Walgreens buying condoms. You know typical presidents... -__-

  • Obama spends more on goods than you may know, his wife. has spent more than any other presidents wives have.Obama does go out to public places with all his security, he likes to be seen and loves to spend yor tax dollars.

  • There have been staged public excursions with lots of pre-planning and security checks.

  • Yes - JKF - Dallas, Tx - 1963

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