Do leopard geckos canabalize? PLEASE ANSWER!!?

I lost my old Leo so I got a new one today but now Idk if my older bigger one will eat the new one!!!! The older one is female but the younger one is just a babie


  • how old is the new one? we got our 2nd of 5 when she was 4 months old and she did just fine with our 2 1/2 year old. But if there is a HUGE size difference then it may go bad.

    Give the baby some time on her own in case she is sick.

    Good luck.

  • It depends on how much of a size difference there is between the two. If the smaller one is half the size of the adult or bigger it should be fine, but it would be smart to separate them until the baby grows a bit more. It's a good idea to separate new reptiles for at least a month anyway in a tank with newspaper/paper towel as substrate, to observe its behavior and make sure it is eating, pooping, and acting well. It may be sick and it would be horrible to end up causing your older one to become sick as well. Separate them for a few months at least and then you can introduce them, geckos are fine living by themselves, the older one won't mind being alone for a while.

  • Adults will likely eat babies if given the chance. I would keep them separate.

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