
I was wondering if there are others out there like me who feel that the American political system is a somewhat a practical fallacy. When you see the whole situation at a pragmatic level, in one corner we have the so-called 'hippie, socialist democrats' and in the other we have the ' redneck, gun-totting republicans' (forgive me for my language). These are of course the biggest parties in the US political system, but why isn't there a major party that is 'the best of both worlds?'. If this were the case, I don't think America would have the kind of somewhat brutal party based division that it experiences. Isn't it insane to think that most Americans are either ying or yang and nothing else?

I do understand that the fact that these parties are almost polar opposites helps keep them both in check, but where's the room for people like us who embrace aspects of both doctrines? Is there anyone who has similar thoughts? Any answers are welcome.


  • I understand what you are saying but the word for that is moderate? Still I feel having one party that is medium will not come up with the best answers to the complicated questions regarding morals and values of todays society. By having the far left and the far rights it at least gives them a tug of war system where most of the people are happy. That is why most of the United States are divided and for the most part balanced in government.

  • The name of that party you are asking for is LOVE! Balanced and equal, diverse and open to all. Unequivical and totally unconditional. If we all ( each and everyone of us) used the principles of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE we could even through the dollar bill out the window and simply trust. WHAT A DREAM hey? I also come from the "Middle Of The Road" embracing values of both parties. I do this to remain in balance. Did you know that the only life force that consistantly stays off balance and away from center-point are human beings. We expend energy to do this, when all other forces natually flow to center and create energy! HMMM!

  • Well this is a result of not having a parliamentary system were there are numerous parties to choose from.

    A 2 party system like in the US is like you either have this dictator or that dictator

    Parliamentary systems are characterized by no clear-cut separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches, leading to a different set of checks and balances compared to those found in presidential systems. Parliamentary systems usually have a clear differentiation between the head of government and the head of state, with the head of government being the prime minister or premier, and the head of state often being a figurehead, often either a president (elected either popularly or by the parliament) or by a hereditary monarch (often in a constitutional monarchy).

  • The fact of the matter is that, ever since Bill Clinton's era began in late 1992, there is LITTLE difference between the two parties.

    Bill Clinton moved his party to the right in 1992 so that he could win, because the Republicans kept painting his party as "too left wing." But true liberals got fed up with this and that's why they voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, causing Gore to lose.

    Now, we have Obama appointing so many centrists (Clinton) and Republicans (Gates) to positions in his cabinet. In 2016, liberal voters will once again see through this and vote for Nader (or some other third party liberal candidate) again, which will cause the Republican will win.

  • It is our majoritarian electoral system. Many European countries have a proportional representation system, which makes it much easier for there to be more than two major parties. Both types of systems have their pros and cons. In a majoritarian system, people are forced into strategic voting to gain a numerical advantage. This often results in polarization between two opposing parties.

  • I think independent is the best way. Just think for yourself and get educated on the people running for office. If you agree with them on what you feel are the important issues then vote for them. Just make sure it is what they really believe and not just saying it to get elected. Beware any politician that starts making promises. They are lying, best example of that is Nancy Pelosi. The biggest lie in congress.

  • Libertarian?

  • You like to feel the American political system in a somewhat practical fallacy way? That's pretty gross man.

  • He said fallacy ...not phallacy.

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