How do misogynists and feminists differ?

-Both of them devalue the role of women. Sandwich making and on the rag.

-Both of them object to women modelling their bodies/objectification.

-Both of them shame women for their relationships with men.



  • I guess you would call that a paradox. You can really love people, but feel depressed that they don't live up to their potential or know how to have a more positive affect on the world. A person may be shy, because they are self conscious, but the cure is to be more conscious of the intuitive self, the intuitive part of our thinking. In the movies the cowboys say they love their horses, but then ride them to death in all the time. If you love them, set them free, in a meadow with a lot of grass and love. Ha. If you take the low road it's flat and easy for wagons to navigate. If you take the high road, the wagons have trouble in the mountains, but the view is great. There are advantages and disadvantages to every choice. Some people who consider themselves feminists, no doubt are just rabid, some may not be. Then again you can't always just sit on the fence to be well balanced either. Go figure.

    Some people are only looking at the positive definitions of feminism and others mostly the negative. It kind of depends on how you define it or define anything. Some people are having a terrible time with all the changes going on in the world today and changes are happening faster and faster too. Others are thriving. One reason some thrive is that they are using the part of the brain that specifically handles complexity and that is their intuitive, creative, compassionate side.

  • A misogynist is a chauvinist. He is a male supremacist.

    A feminist is a female supremacist.

    One is freezing and the other is scorching.

  • Actually, No. Feminists do not devalue women, they promote their value. And I never heard that feminists " shame women for their relationships with men. "

    What do you mean by --> "Sandwich making and on the rag." ?

  • Misognyists hate and denigrate women.

    Feminists strive for decent treatment of women.

    I could refute each argument but it seems pointless to argue with someone so apparently lacking in common sense.

  • What are you talking about? I'm not sure you understand what feminism is about.

  • This question is pathetically stupid.

  • Idk, I think MRAs hate their own kind too...they call men fags, manginas, wimps, idiots for not supporting their ideology...

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