Is Nintendo a dying company?

I love Nintendo... But are they a dying company?

They dominated the industry from 1985-1996 with the NES and SNES schooling the Mastersystem and Genesis. But in the N64's lifespan, it failed to surpass the PS1 in terms of sales (N64 sold about 32 million, PS1 sold 100 million), basically because it was cartridge-based. The GameCube failed miserably to beat the PS2 in performance and sales. The Wii won the 7th generation in sales, but failed to live up to the 360 and PS3.

Now with the Wii U... It seems as though they're not even trying anymore! It BARELY surpasses the 360 and PS3 in terms of graphics, the controller takes some getting used to and has a depressing battery life, it still has no 3rd party support... They just don't seem to care anymore, don't they?

I'm not gonna lie, it breaks my heart seeing them not try to make a good console anymore... Why Nintendo?


  • Yes, Nintendo does seem to be failing at the moment but that doesn't mean the company is going to permanently die. Nintendo is known to rise up from the ashes, I'm a Nintendo gamer but I also play ps3 and xbox so I'm not what you may call a fan boy. First thing is the Wii U does not suck just because it has "wii" in the name. Yes right now it seems like its not worth it but trust me, it is. Once all the good games start coming out, Nintendo will dominate with Zelda, Mario/kart, and possibly a new metroid. So Nintendo still has a bunch of secrets to reveal, they like to make you wait which is one thing I really don't like about them. But for the moment, dont under estimate the underdog.

  • Certainly not a dying company I still feel Nintendo will stick around I mean look at the portable consoles their coming off with different editions a 2DS for retail price of $129 and a special edition Pokemon X & Y 3DS XL for $199 Nintendo will have one customer as far as sales go when the new Pokemon games arrive.

  • No, they got handheld market and make up in losses from wii u sales with software sales since they make most of the games on their consoles.

    Just because their profits have fallen doesn't mean they are anywhere close to going the way of sega

  • The wii u just doesn't have much good games right now just wait till te new mario HD and the new zelda game for wii u not wind waker wii u I'm talking about the next zelda game

  • I was mostly a PC gamer through the whole Nintendo uprising. But i see what you're getting at, Nintendo is still selling their Nintendo DS products in huge amounts though so it'll be awhile before Nintendo falls

  • They will make exciting games soon, so I dont think so. Btw, if they are "dying" , they would probably come to a point where they would stop producing consoles and just make games for other companies' consoles, like how SEGA ended up.

  • Well the wii remote is pritty better then the 360 and ps3, Cause if you play shooters like mw3 and black ops, You will see tht the aiming and better then 360/ps3. So I like the wii better. idk but I think they still care. I mean like they make new games and I think I heard some ppl talking about 2ds, So I guess there making another hand device. Well this is it...

  • I think they are and your right the wii u does suck but nintendo has a lot of money I'm sure they might make one last stand

  • It does kind of seem like it. Sony and Microsoft have really taken over in the gaming world. Although I still have my Nintendo 64 and play it regularly because they are the sh!t!!!

  • Yes. They used to be the best. Now all their consoles and games are crap.

    3DS, 2DS, Wii U...all gimmicks that take you further away from gaming.

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