Why do black folks back into parking spaces?

After living in Atlanta for about 2-3 years I suddently noticed that more often than not, if you were black you were probably going to back into (park "head out") a parking space, even if it was terribly inconvenient to do so.

I've Googled and asked several black friends why this is. Answers have ranged from "I don't know why but other black folks give me **** if I don't/pressure me to" to "I do it, but I never noticed that it was a black thing"

Clearly all kinds of people will back into parking spaces on occasion, I have just never seen any group that will do it as consistently as blacks. Because I live in a city that is primarily black, I didn't think it would be this hard to find an answer for!


  • During the Civil Rights Movement in the '60's, there were many cases of angry whites randomly charging after Blacks and beating them. Having the car facing outwards was seen as way to get an extra edge on escaping a dangerous situation. You can just jump in the car and pull out fast. Presently it can also come in handy in avoiding police and gang members.

  • They scared of backing out

  • Because they can.

  • Because we have common sense. It's easier to park head out than the other way around that way you can see directly where you're pulling out.

  • Personally I think backing into a space is the sensible thing to do and not inconveinent as you would only have to reverse later if you go in forward and would have less of a visial of what your reversing into, why not make it easier later?As for the race basis, total nonsense, as a white Brit all I can say is only in America, its way up there with Silvester Stalone in one of the later Rocky films where he tells someone they have big Irish hair, or those who put their firey temper down to Irish ancestry, all total stereotypical nonsense.

  • It's quicker and easier to back in and drive out than to drive in and back out.

    So I put it down to intelligence and skill.

  • because they are Good Drivers and Know how to Reverse

  • Generalization is for stupid people are you stupid or not not everyone does the same thing or has done it just becasue members of their race and people has done it once or twice?

  • I don't recognize this to be a particularly black cultural phenomenon, but the answer is obvious. It's easier to get out.

    If I were to guess, I might speculate that black populations are more frequently found in urban areas .Urban areas are more packed and cramped, especially when it comes to parking. A consequence of that might be that more black people, on average, might be more used to backing in to spaces and parallel parking and other maneuvers that may be less common and less important in areas of the US with more wide open spaces.

    Of course, then funny thing about that is people who drive tricks are the ones who need more maneuverability, and if anybody is actually a truck driver of any kind, he would be backing in to spaces ALL the time; otherwise, a truck literally can't get out. And that's, you know, more of a rural type thing.

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