Could I transfer from a CSU to a UC as a junior?

I am a junior transfer from a Community College and currently attending my first year at SFSU. When i finished at a CC, I had a 3.1 GPA and A's in all the classes related to my major, but didn't think that was enough to get into the universities I was really interested in, UCD or UCSC. In hind sight, i wish a spoke with a counselor regarding my college ambitions, but regretfully never did. I really would like to attend any of the two colleges listed above but haven't really found any adequate information on the web relating to my circumstances, so I thought I'd bring my question directly to the people to see if i can hopefully get some better answers. Thanks in advance to the helpful people! STFU in advance to the trolls!

(Additional information: I am an economics major, have only completed 15 semester units at SFSU do to impaction, and now have about a 3.2 GPA)


  • With a 3.2 GPA you would not be among the extremely few students to be accepted as a transfer.

    Your SFSU degree will have the same standing as UC degree with the same grades for graduate school admission, which will be insufficient. Your best course would be to stay at SFSU where it will he easier to raise your GPA than at UC.

  • It is very unlikely. There are a limited number of transfer slots and you pretty well need a 3.5 to get one.

    But really, SFSU is still a great school and your life will still be fine having gone there.

  • Most colleges will not allow you to transfer in for your last year.why not call up the schools and get the facts direct from them.

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