traumatic brain injury?

does a person ever recover from a traumactic brain stem injury, is there a surgery that can help?


  • usually not a full recovery from a brain stem injury.. sorry

  • I am so sorry about the person that you care about having a traumatic brain injury (tbi) and that the injury is at his or her brain stem to make it that much more complicated. I'm not a doctor, but I have heard that recovery can be a lot more difficult perhaps because the brain stem regulates breathing, heart rate, respiration. I'd thought that surgery for tbi was mainly for those with swelling on their brain and that it was to relieve pressure and hopefully reduce the chances of more brain damage. Most researchers agree that the brain is so intricate and no two brain injuries are alike. I would suggest getting a second and third opinion from a specialist such as a neurologist to give a more (hopefully) accurate prognosis of how much function the person may get back with rehab. I will be thinking and praying for your loved one. No one wants you to give up hope, but false hope is not fair either. It must be so difficult beyond comprehension what you are dealing with.

    I don't mean to digress, but just fyi for anyone reading this, an old friend got a tbi (acquired tbi/atbi which is a brain injury Not from blunt, outside trauma) and other permanent damage from inhalant use, from huffing fumes from a household product such as glue, paint, gasoline, air freshener. She has permanent brain damage as inhalants literally dissolve brain tissue and bone marrow (fatty inner lining of bones) damage. She was 12 at the time and is now in her 30's. Please do share with your children, friends, families, loved ones, students about the true dangers of huffing. Please take good care, and I'll look up some websites for those dealing with loved ones with a tbi. Be well.

  • Hi, it's different in alot of cases some time vary rare does some one get full brain function back but like i said vary unlikly in most cases the brain stem might be able to recover but not completly he or she would have some long term affect ,but there is always hope so pray ! God Bless,Heather

  • My son had a traumatic brain injury and they have never suggested any surgery to fix it. He is now blind which came on slowly.

    I hope the injury was not as serious as my sons. Best wishes for a good recovery.

  • Depends on severity. Sometimes there is hope for a recovery, other times not.

    So...depending on how severe the brain injury is, it can either be a yes or no. The doctor treating the patient will be able to tell if there is a chance for recovery

  • 212-461-8920 This is a must phone call, for anyone with a (loved one with a) brain injury, stroke, etc. to listen to. This is a recording made by a medical doctor, who had a stroke, lost 30% of his brain function, then years later heard of glycoscience.

    Today he travels, practices, teaches, and generally works around the clock, and is fully recovered.

    Also, check out testimonies, info., etc. at links below. There is ALWAYS hope .... and scientific research, holding out good science and sound hope.

  • I was in a coma in June of 2000 for 11 days and altered stated for a month. I swear to you, time will tell in regards to recoverery. I can walk talk and chew gum add subtract etc. I hope the best for you or your friend/family member. Breathe...relax. This is what is nessassary. Peace to you. I understand how you feel. Surgery is what 'might' need to be done.

  • depends on the person...sometimes I think they can do surgery...depends on the injury

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