How do you do Natural Family Planning?
My husband and I dont believe in birth control and so we are trying to find out information about NFP. We just had a child 2 months ago and I am breastfeeding. Most people say that it is uncommon to get pregnant while breastfeeding but I am not so sure if this is true. Can anyone please give us some information about NFP? I also never got my period so I cant do the kind based around your cycle. Thank you so much in advance
The only kind of Natural Family Planning that is reliable is based on having ovulatory cycles and charting your temperature and fertility signs throughout the cycle. So you're right, you can't do that since you're not having normal cycles. At the moment, that is.
But breastfeeding is not an actual birth control method. Yes, it's true that Mother Nature does generally try to space out our babies. But it's not a perfect system at all. Many women bank on LAM (lactational amenorrhea method) to prevent conception, but it's not very successful at all. That's where a lot of oopsie second babies come from.
If you're not willing to use condoms or hormonal birth control methods, you have basically no alternatives left. NFP is ***NOT*** reliable in ANY form unless you have regular, ovulatory cycles.
If you are curious to learn for the future, the best starting source for NFP is the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) as explained in "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. Easy to read book with pictures and the how's and why's all explained.
EDIT in response to naysayers: In point of fact, NFP methods (specifically FAM charting) ARE highly reliable. Problem is user error. Most people who claim to be practicing NFP actually lack the training and/or discipline to pull it off. It's just that user error matters more bc there's no safety net. If you accidentally skip a pill, you're still mostly protected by the other pills. But, by definition, if you mess up and have unprotected sex at the wrong time with NFP, you're in trouble. This is still not a flaw with the method. NFP actually has rules that you should never ever have unprotected sex if there's any doubt at all what's going on with your cycle. The problem is purely user error. Under-trained and lazy practitioners give the method a black eye, but that's like taking driving tips from the person who's been in three wrecks.
How do you do natural family planning...not very effectively. No disrespect, but take a look at devout Irish or Roman Catholic families and count the children. That will show you just how ineffective your "method" is. Breast feeding is NOT a form of birth control. It is absolutely possible to get pregnant while breast feeding. And since you have not had a period yet, there is no way for you to try natural family planning at this point. So, unless you don't have sex, you will need to use a real form of birth control if you do not want to get pregnant again. Your best bet is to speak with your gyn or see if your church has info on this subject.
Sorry to say, you have cornered me from every angle. Hmm... What to say.....
Only Natural Family Planning is NO SEX. Alternatively, NON PENETRATIVE SEX.
Next nearest NFP is using CONDOM.
Additional note --> Condom must be worn prior to penetration and not before ejaculation.
Because pre-*** too contains spermatozoa.
Another thing to consider NON HORMONAL INTRA UTERINE DEVICE.
You are right, BREAST FEEDING is one of the natural contraception. Unfortunately, it isn't 100% fool-proof. It provides 80% protection only. I have come across many breast feeding women, not conceiving up to 2 to 3 years, even. The same cannot be quoted for all the women.
"I also never got my period ......". -- This is called LACTATIONAL AMENORRHOEA.
It is for these reasons, my opening statement was "you have cornered me from every angle!!!"
Therefore, consider Condom.
God bless you people