Do Christians also celebrate pagan holidays like <span >Christmas</span>?


Edit: Why do some of you become irritated when I ask this question but not when somebody else asked the question, "Do atheists also celebrate Chrisitian holidays like Christmas?"? Why do you have a double standard?


  • Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Anything pagan is an add-on.

  • Actually, all the holidays go far back beyond written history - they've had lots of religions hooked to them over the Millennia.

  • Sounds like you're pissed off because we took a pagan holiday and transformed it into the celebration of the Savior's birth.

  • Why would Pagans celebrate Dec 25, surely they would logically choose Dec 21 the shortest day of the year.

  • Yep... a lot of Saints' days, for example. Easter is another one. But really the origin of holidays is irrelevant. What matters is throwing a good party for friends Christian and non-Christian alike.

  • christmas is a pagan holiday, hijacked by xians many years ago, and a lot of them celebrate it with pagan symbols and rituals like - exchanging gifts, a tree, ornaments on the tree, lights on the house, etc

    and, they're so bitter and angry, they'll give me thumbs down for listing facts here

  • They even have pagan symbols like christmas trees and easter eggs.

  • What do you think? Geez...nothing better to do on Christmas Day?

  • Apparently, since they'll get up in arms when any non-Christian dares to celebrate it. And they tacked their name on it, arrogant.

  • True Christians don't.

    EDIT - My God Reigns - Antichrist has the word christ in it too.

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