Am I fat or do I have a problem?

Hi im 182 lbs and around 5'10 am I fat? Ive been self concious about my weight and no matter what I always feel like Im fat, im starting to wonder if I have some sort of problem.


  • I don't think you have a problem at all if you eat unhealthy just work harder with that.

  • Are you a woman? If not, this answer doesn't apply simply because I don't know how much men are supposed to weigh.

    You don't have a problem. I am 5'7" and muscular/lean at 120, not too skinny. Three inches do not compensate for an extra 60 lbs in my opinion. Try substituting some of your fave calorie rich foods with nutritious alternatives. Or go on a health kick and eat for beauty/youth; you'll automatically exclude fattening foods because they're not good for you.

    And don't forget to do cardio and strength training. I find strength training is where I get "confidence" in my body because you can be a twig and still look flabby... but if you have muscle you look good and healthy. Hope this helps!

  • If you have been working out for a few years straight 182 could be considered lean. However if you don't workout its definitely fat. I'm taller than you and at 185 I'm fat. I've cut to 175 and still slightly fat. I've worked out some but not a lot. You would likely be considered obese. Don't worry most people are nowadays. You don't have much to lose though to get to a normal weight.

  • You are overweight according to a BMI calculator, but not by much. BMI is calculated only by weight and height. It does not take into consideration muscle vs fat.

  • You should be about 150lbs but if you have a lot of muscle you are probably fine. As long as you eat healthily and exercise regularly you'll be fine.

  • It depends. Is it muscle or just flab? If it's just flab, you're still not fat but maybe a little chubby. If it's muscle, then no, not fat at all.

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