How much do cigarettes cost in Canada?

What Canadian brands are there and do you guys have Marlboro in Canada?

How much do premium brands costs?


  • Just like the US has many states that tax cigarettes differently, Canada has many provinces that do the same thing.

    Yes, you can buy US smokes in Canada but no, they are not cheap. In Ontario, where I live, a pack of premium cost around 9 or 10 bucks the last time I looked. US cigarettes cost even more.

  • Price Of Cigarettes In Canada

  • Players Cigarettes Price

  • In Alberta $103.50 for an 8 pack carton of 25's for Rothmans Kings. That is roughly $13 pet pack which represents about 55% of the cost in taxes and 45% to the manufacturer and distributor.

  • Canadian brands include -

    Imperial Tobacco

    * Du Maurier

    * Players

    * Matinée

    * Cameo


    * Export A

    * Vantage

    * Macdonald

    Rothmans, Benson & Hedges

    * Rothmans

    * Craven A

    * Benson & Hedges

    * Belvedere

    * Viscount

    * Mark 10

    Cigarettes in Canada are fairly expensive and run you around $10-12 a pack, Marlboros are also available.

  • You won't make enough to pay your way outta jail or for a lawyer. But the initial cost is, like everywhere, Lung and/or Throat Cancer.

  • There's every major brand they cost about $80 a carton know .two hundred to a carton

  • Where I live (in Yukon), somewhere around $16 a pack.

  • anywhere from about $5 - $10

  • how much do cigarretes cost in halifax, ns?

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