How do you lower blood pressure?

I don't eat a lot of salt, I don't smoke, I don't drink a lot of alcohol, I exercise regularly. I don't have health insurance and cannot afford to see a doctor. What are some natural ways to decrease blood pressure - mine is at 171/84.


  • Take Magnesium. It is found in multivitamins and can be bought separately over the counter at places like Wal Mart. It is very inexpensive and is very safe to take. You need to take 250 mg every morning with food. On an empty stomach it could cause a little nausea. It has been recently recognised by cardiologists as an excellent supplement to lower blood pressure. My husband takes 250 mg and I take 500mg every day. We've been taking this amount for more than 2 years and it does work. High blood pressure is called the silent killer because you seldom feel any physical effects. It is dangerous can cause stroke, heart attack, blindness and damage the kidneys among other things. If you take in caffeine, stop. Caffeine is a drug that constricts your blood vessels and causes high blood pressure and rapid pulse. You need your blood pressure to be lower than 140/80. You did not mention your age. As we get more mature (50's) blood pressure can naturally become higher because our blood vessels are not as pliable as they were in younger years. Please do not take any herbal remedies unless you can be seen by an herbalist. Herbs are just like drugs and can kill if not taken properly. Good luck.

  • How old are you? 171 seems a little high to me, but the lower figure of 84 is reasonable.

    I think that modern thinking on B/P is that the lower both figures are the better and within an optimum range of 120/80 but some say 130 (or 140)/90.

    If the lower figure goes over 90 then you really must go to see a doctor.

    But make sure you are taking the blood pressure correctly and there is only one way to do that and that is to visit a health professional who will take it for you.

  • You already have a good lifestyle so I think your high blood pressure is more of hereditary.

    You did not mention your weight but if your weight is within the ideal one for your height I don't see other ways except to try a little bit thinner or at the lower limit of your ideal weight.

    You have to be a jolly person and avoid stressful job, if possible.

    Just continue your lifestyle as mentioned and make it your exercise really regular otherwise if your blood pressure remains high you need to take medication. You did not mention your age but when people get older the BP normally goes up.

    Take care.

  • You are doing all the natural ways. Sometimes High blood pressure is a family thing. You probably need medicine. If you don't have the money you should qualify for a clinic. You need to see a Doctor and depending how long you have had high blood pressure may need a few tests. Other wise life is hard and death is a release.

  • 3 years ago, I was diagnosed - hypertension with a reading of 160/100. I used to feel dizzy a lot, my legs had awful cramps, and levels were very low in my potassium, causing my fingers and toes to always cramp together. One day I started to feel really faint while I was driving with my daughter in the back seat and I passed out, hitting 3 cars and ending up in a ditch. That moment,I knew I had to do something because my meds weren't working. I heard about this diet from a friend and thought I'd give it a shot. The results have been remarkable. In just 21 days, I honestly can't remember feeling this good, my blood pressure went from 175/110 to 125/70.

  • Drink a lot of will cause your body to urinate more often which will take the existing salt out of your body. You could also take a diuretic. Taking a baby aspirin can help too by thinning your may want to get it checked though because blood pressure has a lot to do with hormones (aldosterone and ADH mostly) and the way your kidneys work so there may be an underlying problem you don't know about.

    EDIT: thanks people for the thumbs down, but I am a CRNA and I think that I might know a little more about this than most of you.

  • Laughing lowers blood pressure.

    Watch a funny movie.

  • Lower fat intake, walk at least 30 minutes 3-5 times a week. 171/84 is a bit high, your bottom number is the one to be worried about. Blood pressure is not something to take lightly, it does things to your body that you do not even notice, that is why it is called the silent killer. Good luck.

  • that is high on top for sure and the bottom close to 90

    check labels on food that you eat =there are often hidden salts in them= if you are overweight try to lose 10 pounds even= even the exercise will make b/p go up if you are doing to much and take your pressure right after=try doing your b/p when in a quiet state and see if it is lower

  • I dont think you excersice regularly, you may think you do, but if you have high blood pressure, then try harder. Playing with the remote control doesnt count as exsercise. Goodluck bro.

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