WordPress vs Dreamweaver?

I learned web design using notepad, and then later with Dreamweaver. With this knowledge, would it be easy to learn WordPress by just jumping into it or would it be better to look up how it works? I need it to change the domain name on a website, along with colors and layout. I know absolutely nothing about WordPress other than the fact that it's used for web design and I have never seen its application screen.


  • Wordpress is basically a Content management system(CMS), on which you may create your website. This is not to do any html coding or web design, even html coded designs are integrated into this CMS. You may create a dynamic website with the help if this CMS or a blog. Here http://bit.ly/MTggx5 you may read some important benefits of wordpress. Thanks

  • i'm a wide Wordpress freak and everyone that makes use of it oftentimes will become one besides because that's in elementary words so physically powerful. there is not any decrease to it and has large help all around the web. There are continuously new subject matters popping out, tweaks, plug-ins and updates that make so outstanding. I had my website operating Joomla for about a month then switched to Wordpress and performance under no circumstances looked decrease back. To create a profesional website then you definitely can ought to make investments some money yet no longer a lot as maximum precise price subject matters value round $40-$eighty and are oftentimes very finished of serious sensible factors. You dont ought to shell out money to get an staggering subject as there are countless large free ones that could actually be custom to slot your own tastes. both my weblog and my Wordpress layout weblog are custom free subject matters. it is an staggering thanks to study HTML and CSS code besides as some others. best of success!

  • You asked this question already with a good amount of great answers maybe 2 days ago. i would stick with DW. Most people who use WP end up leaving for SW anyways. WP is limited. To change the domain name of a website, its as easy editing the html, asp,php file in DW. To top it off, it really doesnt matter because no matter the domain name on the website, when you upload it to a host with a new domain name, it will be be the new domain name. You just basically want to change or add meta tags.

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