Natural Catastrophes?

Considering the earthquake in Haiti, the mudslides of Southern California, the February Fury (East Coast Blizzard) and earthquake that struck the metro Chicago area today, does anyone feel something worse is about to happen? Perhaps somewhere where people least expect a natural disaster to occur? Thanks in advance!


  • Signs of the times

    It has been quoted in the scriptures that eventually these times would come. Why? because of the torrential disobedience of mankind. We recklessly rip through this planet for its natural resources, without disregard or thought to what the effects will be. Experimental testings of military catastrophes and many other such practices. yes just as one of the others have stated this planet is a living organism moving breathing and belching. If I probe or stick you will you not hurt or feel it and if I do it harshly enough will not your body have some ill effect upon it or reaction to it. Eventually we were going to see these times. The earth is preparing to renew its self. Well that's just my opinion.

  • Natural movements like Earthquakes and Tsunamis had happened since the beginning of earth, much before mankind existed, they just became disasters when people started to populate the world and these movements affected them, now if you're suggesting that these things are signs of the end of the world then the answer is not at all.

  • Its kinka scary, but check out the USGS website. They show the earthquakes that happen all over the globe as far back as a week ago. California has had a bunch within the past week. Neat but scary.

  • When you take into consideration of ALL the events that are taking place within the last few years I feel that we are on the brink of something very big...something that most people close their eyes and shut their ears too...I believe that The Great Tribulation is right around the corner...Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation spell it out very precisely.The RFID Chip has sealed the deal in my opinion... One needs to take into consideration how a man exiled to an Island right at 2000 years ago saw this....This is serious rather one wants to believe or not.

  • is america babylon the great? maybe a major quake and then other countries nuking us during all that confusion/chaos? complete devastation and disruption of our global economic structure. rapture taking place moments before the end kicks off? all in the book of revelation. sounds likely. don't know. none of us do. the bible says these things are sealed until its time. some things still not clear enough. lets just continue to watch the signs build up momentum

  • You know...

    I like to think of myself as "not a nutcase", which may or may not be true. I'ma go with "related" on this one.

    Like, maybe when you shift a 300 kilometer chunk of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, it in turn shifts a whole bunch of other stuff, which stirs up the ocean and applies rarely (but not never) seen pressures on other tectonic plates.. etc.

    I don;t know this to be true in any way, but dominoes seems more likely than prophesy to me.

  • There will always be large natural disasters that we cannot believe. I don't expect something even bigger will happen, but it could. There will be large and small. I don't think, and hope, that something huge will happen in our lifetime - like something that would take the lives of millions at one time.

  • The revelation talks about diasasters. We should see some real doozies before much longer. I don't think that every natural event is a curse from God. The planet is a living thing, which means it moves changes breathes, belches

  • A disaster bond named Avalon Re securitized criminal accountability danger, yet cat bonds are generally greater desirable desirable for low-danger hazards like extreme earthquakes and cyclones the place the reinsurance marketplace is capital restricted. i'm hoping this enables.

  • It seems like business as usual to me, so yes, there will be other disasters somewhere and yes, there will be people who are not prepared and not expecting it.

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