Why am I paranoid after sex?

So my girlfriend and I had sex not too long ago. It was our first time. I used a condom, it didn't rip and I didn't ejaculate. But i keep getting paranoid that I got her pregnant. Is it normal to be paranoid?


  • Cause your doing something you shouldn't be. Your not married. I know it sounds old school, but the truth is your outside the blessings of the lord. It's probably the holy spirit telling you, you know it's not right. You have to understand that society and peer pressure and what the world thinks is generally against what the goodness of the lord had for those who trust him. Hope you believe the truth. The world doesn't know the truth. Just look around.

  • There is no reason to be that way. You didn't ejaculate even if you did..you are wearing a condom..so you are good don't trip.

  • Why are you paranoid? You must need sperm (ejaculate) to make her pregnant... which you didn't. You're fine.

  • your fine . stop worrying

  • have a beer

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