Do republicans want to destroy America?

That's the only reason I see people wanting Trump for president.


  • What possible harm could befall Americans in being ruled by a Plutocracy? Nothing wrong with the loss of a few Liberties and doing away with the system of 'checks & balances' prescribed by the Founding Fathers, right?

    Why not let the GOP continue selling America out to the highest bidders? After all, they have sold out to the 'Billionaire Class' and now their new masters ensure them millions in campaign donations - with a smile too!

    Get with the program, everyone... or else!

  • Your looking through a knot hole and not seeing the whole picture how do you come up with the idea that Republicans are trying to destroy America there is an array of candidates with different perspectives while the Democrats are only running who they think you should vote for and are not giving you much of a choice at that but if your comfortable with an old Woman or an avowed Communist then keep looking through that knot hole

  • Radically changing America is not a Republican Idea. Look who is behind the movement toward The government telling everyone what to do how to do it, and when to do it.

    Which party is using Executive order to over ride Congress . It is Democrats

  • No, they want to do the exact opposite by adhering to the constitution and keeping old American values. What is Hilary Clinton or Bernie Sanders going to do for the economy? They are both socialists who want outrageous taxes so everyone can be equal. If you ask me, socialism is just a fancy word for communism, because it promotes the same ideas of everyone having equal services from the government. People who vote for Trump are saving America from these aliens who are not paying taxes and using us resources.

  • No, they wish to save it from liberal democrats who want to destroy it. Trump may or may not be a good choice, but all of the democrats only care for themselves and want as much power they can get, by lying to their followers. Obama is doing a great job destroying America. If you want the US to fail, vote democrat! Dead democrats still do!

  • yes, its actually no secret. its their stated goal to sabotage the economy because they know 90% of people are stupid and they will blame the president.. even though its actually congress and the senate that actually have legislative power. back in 2009, the day that the obamas was at the inaugural ball, they had a secret meeting in which they all agreed to do everything they can to make obama a one term president, so any bill he purposes or supports to actually help america, they stop it. anyone that actually thinks that the GOP (the republican party as a whole) is trying to help you personally.. you are either very rich or very retarded.

  • No. Just like democrats don't want to. I just disagree with the vision the democratic party has, just as you disagree with anything but the talking points from the DNC you've been trained to parrot..

  • It seem to be that the dumbest, loudest, most obnoxious people are the one's American voters gravitate too. Maybe it's the " birds of a feather, flock together" syndrome that lures them into their camp.

  • I'm far more threatened by a Hillary Clinton type as president

  • I would love to see it so I could really go NYAH, NYAH at Republican trolls. Their wall would cost 80 BILLION! They love to waste money on stupid stuff but not one dime to help fellow Americans.

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