WWE+TNA E-FED RAW Week 5 Results Part 2?


Elimination Chamber Qualifier

No DQ Match

The Miz vs Nasty Nas w/Sheamus at commentary

Nasty tries to get a chair quickly. Miz throws him back into the ring. Miz grabs a chair himself. He tries to hit Nasty, but he ducks. Nasty quickly hits a Northern Lights Suplex on Miz. 1…2...kick out. Nas goes out of the ring and brings in a Kendo Stick and the steel steps. Nas sets down the steps. He goes for a shot to the head with the stick, but Miz kicks Nas. He hits a Reality Check. MVP shows up on the titantron. He tells Miz that if he wants to see his partner and friend, Big Show, again, than he needs to come back here and get him. Miz is distracted. Nas takes advantage and spins Miz around. He picks him up into a Suplex position. He hits a Suplex on The Miz onto the steel steps. 1...2…3. Nasty Nas has qualified for the RAW Elimination Chamber in his first ever win in the WWE! WINNER: Nasty Nas.


Elimination Chamber Qualifier

Ted Dibiase Jr. vs Triple H w/Sheamus at commentary

HHH entered the ring to a huge crowd reaction. The crowd was on their feet. When Ted’s music played, the fans calmed down a little bit. There was a mixture of cheers and boos. Ted started the match with a shove. Trips shoved back. HHH hit a couple punches and Ted went down. He Irish Whips him into the ropes. He comes back and Ted goes for a School Boy Pin. He gets a 1 count. Ted waits for HHH to get up and hits a dropkick. Dibiase gets a clothesline when Triple H gets up. The crowd starts booing a little more here. When Dibiase tries to go for another clothesline, Triple H ducks and bounces back off the ropes for a Knee to Facebuster. He puts Dibiase into the Pedigree position. Dibiase counters and slides out of the way just in time. More boos. HHH stomps Ted a couple times and gets him up again. Ted counters an arm bar and turns it into Dream Street. 1…2…Triple H just kicks out in time. Ted is mad and goes to the top rope. He goes for a Crossbody. Trips catches him and hits a Last Call. 1…2…Dibiase kicks out. HHH hits a Running Knee Drop. HHH picks him up and goes for the Pedigree. Dibiase counters it an hits a Back Drop. HHH gets right back up and ducks a clothesline. He hits his Knee to Facebuster and connects with the Pedigree, moments later. 1…2…3. Triple H has qualified for the Elimination Chamber. Will he win his fifth one ever? WINNER: Triple H.


*Maryse and Tara back stage*

(Maryse) Tara, you will make the wrong choice if you go after my Divas Championship. You will not beat me.

(Tara) What makes you think that?

(Maryse) *Looks at Tara* Because I’m hotter than you, I am better than you, and I will NOT let that happen.


Elimination Chamber Qualifier

Big Show vs Mark Henry w/Sheamus at commentary

They have a quick stare down in the beginning and Show shoves him. Henry charges at him and Show gets out of the way. Mark comes running back and runs into a big clothesline. Big Show picks him up and goes for a Choke Slam. Mark kicks him in the groin and runs to the ropes. He knocks Big Show down. Mark runs to the ropes again and hits a Big Splash. 1…2…kick out by The World’s Largest Athlete. Henry brings Show up and goes for the World’s Strongest Slam, but Show counters it and runs to the ropes. He hits a massive Big Boot. 1…kick out by The World’s Strongest Man. Show is furious and picks Henry up. CHOKE SLAM! 1…2…3. WINNER: Big Show.


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