Clown fish problems, Do Clown fish Sleep?

I know its a stupid question and the answer is probably no but i have to ask. this is my second day with my ocellaris clownfish he is a very active fish, when i put him into his new home yesterday he stayed in the back for a while but then later he moved all around the tank. but this morning he was laying down on the substarte, and so i turned on the lights went to shower and came back and he was fine, then right now at 8 pm he is laying down on the substrate again, he gets up from time to time and he seems to be breathing normaly. should i get another clown to keep him company? what could he be doing? Please help...



  • Are you able to have the water tested, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? I think maybe he isn't feeling real well and knowing those water parameters would tell you for sure that he should be okay.

    Do you have an anemone for him too? I know they can survive without having one, but I guess they live symbiotically together in the wild.

    I don't know for sure, but I don't think it is common for them to lay on their sides for rest. However, I had a cichlid that would lay on his side and wait for some unsuspecting little fish to swim over him so he could jump up and eat it. They are sneaky that way, lol. But what I read about clowns suggest that they like to rest in an anemone. or atop plants or other things in the tank.

  • ive have been given to accept as true with jt, and settling an aggression difficulty by way of making it a honest combat isn't a good thank you to examine a non violent tank in time id be prepared to wager the clarki is going to combat with the oce over greater beneficial than the anemone,

  • the water quality is probably bad i would have it tested, my clown has never layed down except in her anemone.

  • Yes ,they will lay at the bottom at night...........

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