Am I asexual? Who do you think is asexual?

I'm 19 years old and I'm begging to wonder if I may be asexual.

I don't like being touched, I don't ,,feel'' anything when I watch movies which involve sex, I don't enjoy kissing. I haven't had sex yet. I'm not gay, I find boys attractive, but I just don't enjoy touching, kissing or a need to have sex.


  • You are merely celibate,which in fact makes you even more desirable to the guy you end up picking later.Relax...These things take you when you least expect it.There is someone for everyone and your a precious person worth waiting for.You will meet a guy and like they always say no one will have to tell you anything then,Its natural. Good luck and God bless.

  • Sophie - There is nothing wrong with you, despite the snarky comments that a question like yours will undoubtedly elicit here. Don't look for labels to pin on your behavior. You are a specific gender. You have leanings and preferences. Some apples ripen in the heat of August, but the most delicious ripen a little later. Give yourself time and accept yourself as you are. You are on track.

    I think this asexual stuff is a bunch of bunk, another label-generating group who have generated a label to have a place to belong. That probably makes me ignorant, but there you are. Old ignoramus me. You can google asexual and get tons of hits and read about this little designer label/niche there.

  • Seriously peaking there could be something physiologically wrong (for instance unbalanced hormones), aside from that, I agree with Mercy that you may just be focused elsewhere and you will grow to be more interested in sex down the line.

    You are definitely not asexual as you can not reproduce with yourself. You are old enough to go to the gynecologist, I would just talk to him/her about it. They can give you the official details on puberty, sexual maturity etc and let you know whether its "normal" or something physiological.

  • No, unless you are not human which you have to be in order to write! Asexual means you can reproduce with your self, meaning you can get your self pregnant

  • Nothing is wrong with u, u just have the emotion of a 6 year old lol

  • Asexual is where an organism doesnt have to have sex to reproduce isnt it??

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