Is my Ontario OHIP card adequate travel insurance to get into cuba?

I dont want waste my money and get sent back to Toronto for not having the required medical insurance. Is the OHIP health card sufficient for Cuban customs? If not what do you recommend?


  • I've been told it is, but I've been told it isn't. I'd spend the $16 and get the RBC medical insurance. It's true that they probably won't ask, but if they do, and your health card isn't enough, you will be required to purchase insurance before being allowed through. $16 for piece of mind seems worth it to me.

  • I know my BC health insurance card is sufficient for travel to Cuba. My travel agent also suggests extra medical insurance because it takes so long for provincial insurance to reimburse you for medical expenditures. Also you are not covered 100 percent. Travel insurance is the best way to cover everything, from cancelled flights, to medical emergencies. It just takes a phone call to what ever company you use. You can get some good deals by shopping around. I deal with Blue Cross.

  • I've been told both that it is good and not good. Check with your credit card company and your employer's health care. My employer's health care, is good out of the country for myself and my family therefore you may not need the extra. Our last trip down we bought the extra insurance from RBC before we had a definitive word from my HR department.

  • Absolutely, nothing more is required it's doubtful you will even be asked for proof. I called the Cuban consulate in Toronto a year ago and they assured me that was quite sufficient.

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