Community college (Sacramento City) or UC Davis?

I know I should consult a counselor for these kinds of stuff but I'd like to get a second opinion.

I'm a Biological Sciences major at UC davis and I was a junior transfer student from a community college. However, I have just decided that I wanted to switch my major to Computer Science. This means that I still have some lower division classes which I could take at a community college or at UC davis. My question would be which route should I go? I'd like to graduate as soon as possible but I also would like to cut costs because I'm already in so much debt. Community college would be so much cheaper but would it take longer for me to graduate because they're on a semestral system and UC davis is on a quarterly system? PLEASE help. I've already been in college for 5 years now and I finally found my passion in Computer Science. And I'd like to do it right this time around. I've been slacking off and wasting my parent's hard work and I feel really bad about myself. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!


  • If you don't care about the lower division classes potentially making your UC Davis GPA better, then see what you can do at community college. Some lower division courses may only exist at UC Davis or nothing at community college is equivalent to the UC Davis course.

    Quarter system is faster, so maybe you should consider doing the lower divisions at Davis instead. There are 3 quarters in a Davis academic year....

  • Yeah, you really need to talk to a computer science counselor at UC Davis. Most UC campuses have a unit limit and they will not let you enroll after you've completed a certain number of units. This could mean that it would be better to go back to a CC, because the units won't count after 105 quarter units; you'll get subject credit only.

    Depending on how close you are to finishing Bio Sci, another option might be to just graduate with Bio and take as many computer science courses as you can fit in, then apply to graduate school in computer science. That may or may not make sense for your eventual career plans - I'd recommend talking to someone who works in your field, preferably in the position you'd like to have one day.

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