Old computer has no power?

O. K. I have a older HP desktop computer. We hadn't used it in a while now the power will not come on. I have checked another power cord still no power. I also check for loose connections everything seems fine. But I still have no power can you help please?


  • Does the fan on the PSU (power supply unit) start to spin when you turn the power on? If it is then the psu is probably still good.

    WARNING - do not do any of the following unless you feel absolutely safe doing so. Turn off the power supply before touching any bare wires or start poking around with multimeter test leads. If your computer wasn't seriously damaged before it can be if you mess this up..

    Pull off the main 20/24 pin motherboard power connector then using a small wire or a paper clip connect the green wire with one of the black wires on the 20/24 pin plug, the psu should fire up and the drives will spin up, if not then the psu is dead. - http://club.cdfreaks.com/f7/how-do-i-test-my-psu-c...

    For testing the PSU with a multimeter then see http://www.driverheaven.net/guides/testingPSU/

    If the PSU is dead then find one for your model of computer, just type in the part or serial number from the psu into Google or Yahoo and it will find the same or compatible replacements.

    If the PSU is still working then your motherboard is probably fried. If you're careful they are not hard to replace but it's up to you if you feel like the time and expense of replacing it.

  • Sounds like a bad power supply. Look on the back of the power supply for switch to make sure it wasnt turned off first. Keep in mind tho, there may have been other hardware probs that caused it to go. It may also be as simple as a bad panel switch. The question is is it worth the repair costs

  • Check the Switch near where the power plug goes into and make sure its not off the switch will have a o and -- on it. Make sure the -- is pushed in and try again.

    Or you have a Bad power supply or blown fuse inside the power supply or just a bad pc if this does not work.

  • replace the tiny battery on motherboard before you mess with the power supply

  • It could be PSU or motherboard gone bad.

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