How do you add/remove programs in Vista?
My friend bought a new laptop, and we were trying to figure out how to add/remove programs in the new Vista technology...Is there anyone out there that can help us? Thanks for your answers...
My friend bought a new laptop, and we were trying to figure out how to add/remove programs in the new Vista technology...Is there anyone out there that can help us? Thanks for your answers...
Unlike Windows XP, you go to "Programs", then add/remove programs.
Go to control pannel - add/remove programs - and select what you want. It works just like XP
Just type the word "add" in the search area of the start button. That should bring it up.
flow to commence/administration panel then set the seem to regulate panel domicile (not classic view) then that's decrease than classes the 5th heading on the left hand record in that subheading is all you pick