“A friend cannot be considered a friend until he is tested in three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death.”


  • True - a friend in need, is friend indeed.

  • Agree

    A true friend walks in even the whole world walks out...

    I love that quote as it summarizes everything I believe in about friendship.

    For me, a true friend will never, ever leave you no matter what happens! It’s not important whether he is miles apart from you, as a true friend will always have you in his heart forever. So distance should really not matter.

    A true friend will always believe in you even though you no longer believe in yourself. He will always bring out the best in you.

    A true friend is like your other self. He will be your best and worst critic as he will always tell you the truth, though he knows it will sometimes hurt you. At least he is always honest.

    A true friend will not need any explanation as he will always understand.

    And most of all, a true friend is someone who is willing to share his TIME with you. Time shared together has always been imporatant for me, as time is something no one can ever buy nor take back. The moment a person shared his time with you, he had already shared a part of his life with you.

  • I think only two: In a time of need, and behind your back. In Death everyone tends to speak well, or act as if they were close to you.

  • False

    Here, have a cupcake

  • in time of need is only situation where you can get your true friend..

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