? Que dice O.R.S.O. Club?

!alto secreto!


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  • The ‘Ocean Roadster Selected Owner’ ( ORSO ) – club constitutes itself solely by the owners of an Ocean Roadster. The requirement to become a member of the club is naturally the purchase of an Ocean Roadster. The highest demands are made towards the future members in respect of social competence, education, social responsibility, honour, authenticity and consciousness.

    On this note the vacant construction numbers are offered exclusively to the potential customers. Intellectually undemanding and outrageous behaviour in public in relation to the ownership of an ocean roadster is completely out of the question and an Ocean roadster in general draws this special demand.

    Contracted ocean roadsters can only be sold internally of the ORSO – club, members have the possibility to name potential and suited future owners and members and thus the club expands according to the highly set standards.

    Ocean Roadster are subjected to defined shipyard service intervals, during which they are also refitted to the latest technological condition and therefore represents a secure and valued investment.

    Furthermore all of the technical solutions and parts are manufactured on an extremely high-grade and long-lasting basis and parts of wear and tear are always replaced. Hence vacant ocean roadsters represent always rarities in mint condition, not available on the marketplace, and the purchase or sales price maintains its superior level to the advantage of the club members.

    Potential customers will receive a code number for the website www.oceanroadster.eu.

    After entering this code the person will receive ample information about the technical efficiencies and a computer animation. In case of further interest for the ocean roadster, the client can opt to purchase a warrant with a construction number and can now enter the third part of the website with all the technical details and an invitation to the Ocean Roadster Centre Worldwide.

    With all possible means the efficiency of the Ocean Roadster with its worldwide patented and unrivalled propulsion system and 26 further patented solutions needs to be protected and available only to the ORSO – club members and highly potential owners. All constructive parts have been developed and conceived with an enormous effort in years of processing and experimenting regardless of time and cost in order to perfect the incomparable and distinctive charm of the Ocean Roadster. This was made possible only because of the unbelievable commitment and identification of each member of our team.

    Because of that the threshold for potential owners and members has been set to such a drastic level and only the Ocean Roadster owner shall know all the details of this efficient product.

    On top of these criteria every potential owner is requested to make a considerable donation for humane or other relevant causes upon joining the ORSO-club. Assessing the amount of this donation shall indicate the sincerity and social competence of the new ORSO-member.

    Upon fulfilment of these criteria the potential member will be invited to the shipyard for a designer-weekend. The personalised steering-wheel, the ignition-key and numerous other details are designed according to the customers conception, which will make this Ocean Roadster a unique and one-of-a-kind product. Afterwards the customer will receive an exquisite mahogany suit-case containing the steering-wheel, the ignition-keys, the wood-and-leather-bound owner’s manual and the bill-of-sale and after the transfer of the purchase price to an escrow account, the sales transaction is completed. Every boat will be approved during the 12-month construction period, including tests in climate chambers to simulate various usage sites, at least 10-times by the German Lloyd, and will be certified primarily for the European market up to 110 knots. According to the approvals, partial payments are made from the escrow account.

    The handover of the boat is conducted in a ceremonial act at the shipyard. The owner exchanges the factory steering-wheel with his own and the ignition-keys are programmed. Afterwards the boat is loaded and transported to its final destination.

    Nowadays many former symbols of status and wealth are available to numerous customers, which naturally leads to a considerable loss of the status. Formerly those with expansive financial possibilities were well aware of the powers they possessed. As a general rule they were also conscious enough not to abuse those powers and scandals were few. But this has changed lately. Too often scandals in the so-called upper-class defame the reputation of a honourable social stratum, because many humans do not possess the minimum of class, culture, social responsibility and competence and authenticity. An this contorts the overall picture of an entire class of humans.

    And this impression led to the creation of a new status symbol, having the demand of high quality and perfection, which can be realized in the adequate surroundings. Our ultimate goal is change and reversal. And for this belief, only our product can be used as a medium. And we are willing to surrender this product only to those with an interest in the traditional values of mankind combined with the burning desire, not to close their eyes to the worldwide grievances and leave a liveable world to our common future, our children living on a BLUE PLANET.

    Kurt Joachim Maass


    Ocean Roadster Runabout Limited

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