why is coldplay so popular?


  • It's what the recording studios are pushing now in music. They aren't concerned with anyone past twenty five that much. The reason is they don't see much money coming from those past twenty five. To them and their marketing departments, the only ones with money are thirteen to twenty year old. So if you're past twenty five they aren't really to interested in you, and past thirty five you're just a blip on their radar. Past fifty and you aren't on it hardly at all. Get past sixty five, and you're so far off the radar, it's not funny, with the music industry, and entertainment industry as a whole.

  • Know why somebody's gay?

    Because they listen to Coldplay.

  • because they make cookie cutter radio pop that a lot of people enjoy

  • Because they are an amazing band with great energy...

  • there music has so much meaning...its incredible!!! Clocks and Viva la vida...just amazing =)

  • the musics healthy

  • Maybe because they make good music.

  • there awesome thats why

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