Do STEROIDS stunt growth? NO BIAS!?

OK, my friend a year ago starting taking steroids at 16 and was about 5 8 in height, he is now 17(still taking them) and is 6 0. Now this doesnt make sense, because everything I know about steroids says its bad for your growth. But then Arnold Swartz. starting taking them at 15 and became 6 2. Now the facts on steroids isnt matching with the people who took them. This leaves me to believe that there is a huge amount of it is speculation on steroids besides the obvious facts of what it does to the liver and testosterone. Is it media driving a bunch of B.S? Only anwser if your educated on the topic or have experience with the drug.


  • Im in a health academy and those facts are true. Men are not fully grown until they reach their twenties and it is not uncommon for males to have growth spurts all through their teens. Your friend happend to grow at the same time he took the steriods. Steriods are horrible on your body and can cause a males testosterone to drop causing lots of problems. They can do the same to wome too by lowering estrogen levels. There are actaully steriods that are given to people by doctors though that are made to help males or females that are not growing at a normal pace. These are very different from the illegal ones. If your friend was given the steriods by a doctor then that would be safe for him ut if he is doing it illegally then he will have very bad effects on hos body from them.

  • No on no account end taking your inhaler on your allergies. you elect this in case you geta undesirable attack. i'm not sure if it stunts your improve or no longer I easily have heard mixed emotions in this. If it have been me i could rathe rbe a sprint shorter than go through an attack and not have my inhaler.

  • Every illegal drug is over exaggerated by the media, even though there still not good for you

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