Guide Dog poo...?

Guide Dog poo...?

A Random Thought I had the other night and posted to MY blog which someone I know nicked...

Who picks up guide dog poo ?

Obviously their owner is blind - how can they pick up their dogs they ask random passers by, and if a guide dog takes a dump on the pavement would the owner still get fined ?

What about at home too a guide dogs gotta go like any other mutt and your average size guide dog is a bit big to use a litter tray....

so who cleans up its mess - home help ?


  • strange thought you had at night, i thought it was just me!

    A very good question, i would expect they would have a home help for the home's dog mess, but out on the street they no when there dog has stopped to go maybe they do it be feel!

    Some people with blind dogs are not totally blind so maybe they can see enough to clean up.

    Maybe thats why we have a lot when we walk to school!

  • The law has very few exemptions on this matter. But I know for a fact that registered blind people do not have to pick up after their dogs.

    Guide dogs are highly trained and do it in a designated area at home. I've never heard of any dog being capable or willing to clean up their own mess. That would be a good question too.

  • Guide dogs are trained to NOT 'go' while they are working. They are usually let off the lead in their own garden where I presume most blind people will have other family members to help clean up. If there is no-one elso to help then I honestly don't know. I'm sure they wouldn't be fined though.

  • guide dogs are extremely well trained, and they know when is appropriate to go. they know that while they are on the job, they aren't supposed to go to the bathroom. if they did, i guess someone would just pick it up later, and i don't think the person would get fined because they can't help it. a good guide dog though wouldn't go poop while out on the job!

  • guide dogs are trained to go poo in certain areas in there handlers garden to make it easier for the owner to pick up, my mum n nan both have guide dogs and manage fine, the dogs are also trained not to pee or poop while working

  • In any given situation, focus on what you do want your dog to do instead of on whatever he’s doing wrong. Learn how to train your dog

    For example, suppose that on many evenings, your young dog gets busy looking for trouble just as you’re digesting your dinner. He grabs a boot from the mat by the front door and gallops through the house with it. You yell at him and take it away. He grabs its mate. You yell and take it away. He heads for the kitchen and starts checking out the counters in case something tasty’s been left behind. You chase him away. And on and on, until you’ve lost your temper and torn out clumps of hair you can ill afford to lose.

  • Glad Steph "got a giggle" but what my MOM does is to put her dog on the short leash and has a command for her dog to defecate and then follows the smell with a bag over her hand and picks it up like the sighted people do.

    She has a problem with the pet dog who isn't/won't train to defecate on command and has the run of the yard. He is my dad's responsibility.

  • My father is blind, if you are blind you do not have to pick up after your dog and you do not get fined. However he tries to pick it up if he notices the dog has gone. More than some people do who can see!!!

  • guide dogs are highly trained. they are also trained to NOT go to the bathroom while on walks and they would never even think of going in the house

    :D guide dogs are the best!! LOL

  • You know that is a really good question ,i,ll be asking around for days on that , i,ll also be looking in again on you to find out if anyone gives a satisfactory answer to it ,mmmmmmm its really got me stumped!!!!!!!!

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