How can i persuade my parents to adopt?

I really want my mum and dad to adopt because my brother's going to be moving out soon and i'm going to miss him. He's my only sibling.

He's leaving home because his girlfriend's pregnant and he wants them to have a place of their own for when the baby's born. I know that once he's moved out i'm hardly ever going to get to see him anymore and i'm not looking forward to that because we've always been really close.

So basically, i'm going to be an only child !

What can i say / do that persuade my parents to adopt ?


Emmy: I would hate to be an only child.


  • to adopt a child is really really expensive, and it is a huge gaint deal. its not simple, it takes a very long time , and a lot of paperwork and planning , and legal issues and everything.

    to be honest i doubt your parents will want to adopt a child when your brother and his wife are going to be bringing a new child into their life anyway!.

    i promise you that you're brother and sister-inlaw, will ned a babysitter! and they will invite you to play with their child, and WHEN SOMEBODY HAS A CHILD IT BRINGS THE WHOLE FAMILY CLOSER TOGETHER,

    i know your brotehr might seemed so excited and obsessed with the baby right now, but can u blame him? a new life form is coming into his life to change t forever.

    you will still see him!

    you will see the baby all the time!

    it will practically be like adopting a chiildddd

    dont worry!

    =] i was in the same exact situation

  • Well, first of all congratulations to your brother! Your relationship probably will change, but it does not necessarily mean that you will hardly ever see him. You can remain close. You can email, text message, call and visit. You also get to be an Aunt! That can be another amazing relationship. Maybe you will get to babysit sometimes.

    I can not really suggest ways you can persuade your parents to adopt. Having another child (biologically or adopting) is a major decision, and there are a lot of factors that weigh into that decision. You can certainly mention it to them, though-how about gather some information on the different methods of adoption (private domestic, adoption through foster care, international adoption) and see what they say, then go from there.

    Depending on your age, you can also become close to children in other ways. Have you thought about tutoring? Visiting children at your local hospital? If there is a Miracle League baseball team in your area, how about being a buddy to one of hte players? The possibilities are endless.

    I would love to get an update to this question. I wish you much luck in your new role as Aunt, and possibly big sister!

  • I am an only child and have been for 14 years and I've hated every minute of it. I have always wanted a sibling and finally my mom is adopting a toddler. You can try to write an essay or something that will help educate them about adoption. You can say how adoption can benefit your family as well as the child. It would kind of be like a persuassive essay, but giving your parents the facts.

  • Well there's not much to say, because it really is your parents personal decision, and they may not want more kids. They may think they are too old or tired to raise another baby or they dont have the money for it ect. You could always try telling them what you just told us here and how you would really like a younger sibling, you could also show them how children around the world especially in 3rd world countries have it really bad and that they could save one by adopting them. All you can do is talk to them, but don't get your expectations up or push them too hard. Good luck

  • You can't persuade your parents to adopt just because your brother's moving out. You shouldn't simply replace him with another child.

    You'll still get to see him regularly if you're that close. Him living in a different place shouldn't make a difference. Plus he'll probably need your help if he's got a baby on the way.

    You're parents probably don't want another child atm if they're going to be grandparents soon, they'll have far too much going on.

  • I dont think its fair you asking your parents to adopt, after all they have raised both you & your brother its not fair they take on another child. Bring up the subject by all means or fostering as others have suggested. But respect their choice if I were you I would be elated that you are going to have a new baby in the family, you can put all your attention on your new niece/nephew. Your bro will still be round as normal its just all new atm. Dont feel pushed out

    Good Luck

  • I had a similar concern with my mom while i used to be a extensive cat lover. I in simple terms stored begging till it annoyed the crap out of them. perhaps you may attempt that? I did a similar for my domestic dog. or possibly you may wait till at last you're sixteen and once you canchronic. you may in simple terms flow to the safeguard and get one and bring it domicile? yet that may no longer a competent concept. attempt the begging. yet do comprehend that a enjoyed ones shorthair sheds alot interior the summertime too. My dad's cat is a enjoyed ones shorthair and he sheds like loopy. And for the scratching, get a scratching submit and instruct the cat to apply it. And in case you do no longer like it to scratch furnishings, there are those issues you will get which will spray your cat while it is going close to furnishings. tell your mom approximately that.

  • you can try getting information on adoption. i know it costs a lot of money.. maybe you could get information on fostering as well. i know that's just as beneficial to the kids.. proove to them that you're willing to help out.. clean the house without being asked, start taking care of things.. do chores and keep up with school.. they'll notice how mature you're being. just keep trying.. it's ultimately your parents decision and they have to be ready as well.. find out about meetings in your area. good luck!


  • i agree with the first girl big brother big sister program is an excellent idea i joined that too =D

    im farrr away from my older brother chris he was really kool to me && i miss him alot....

    i moved about a state away with my mom so i joined that...mayeb hat can help the people that are there are really nice && cool people.

    youll feel fine in no time -.^

  • You can't persuade your parents to adopt, and it's selfish of you to try.

    Having children is a big decision and a lot of work. You can't ask them to take something like that on just because you might be lonely.

    Ask for a puppy instead.

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