Is my grammar correct?

Don't mind the buttcrack thing.. I intentionally wrote that, what I meant is for the other words..

That awkward moment when it's too crowded inside the train and you can feel that someone's hand is on your buttcrack but there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm not a native english speaker. Just wanted to post this as my facebook status


  • Yep, the grammer is good. You must have studied lots.

    Edit: I just had another thought: While the sentence is good for Facebook, it's techically not a full sentence. These "The awkward moment when..." statuses started as "likes", so with the person's name it reads as "Joe Blow likes the awkward moment when..." which would make a full sentence. This has changed over time, so it's now ok to post a status like yours but it's not something you'd say in a conversation or anywhere except Facebook.

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