How materialistic do you consider yourself?

Do you love money? Buying nice clothes even when you don't need it? Do you get upset when something gets broken or damaged? Are you thrifty and always buy cheap stuff even when you have the money to buy something better? When was the last time you made a donation? The list could go on, but the point is, are you even aware of how materialistic you either are or are not?


  • I am very non materialistic....less is more. I live a pay it forward lifestyle...

  • Oh, I admit that I'm selfish. When I get my paycheck, when I get what was earned by my labor, that's my money to do with as I please.

    But do I buy nice clothes? Nope. I do just fine in cheap stuff.

    Am I thrifty even when I can buy something better? Sometimes. It depends on what I think is the best quality for my money.

    When was the last time I made a donation? Last week. The cause supported an organization that I believe in. Nobody told me to support it, nobody asked me to make it. I did it because of my judgment about its worth in regards to the sort of place I like to live in. I didn't care that the organization needed money; I gave them my money because it was what I wanted to do with it.

    I'm completely aware that I'm selfish and I'm aware that I value some of my material possessions. I take very good care of things that I own. But are they the only things that I value in the world? Of course not. The best parts of my life never had a price tag.

  • I'm about middle of the road. I like having nice clothes, but I don't spend $200 on a pair of jeans. I only get upset when something gets broken that is hard for me to replace (as far as material things are concerned). I'm thrifty when it comes to knowing where my limitations are and saving for something later on, like a vacation (which is Never extravagant... it's normally a cabin by the lake or camping/hiking in my state). But I do spend a little extra on the foods we like... and cleaning products that I know work better than the dollar store stuff. Last time I made a donation was 4 days ago. I donated to a local youth group at a church near my farm so they could go on a camping trip this summer. yes, I'm a Heathen who has donated to a church.... =P But I love giving kids a chance to do stuff like that, so it doesn't matter if it's thru their church or not.

  • I have just spent 3 hours sanding down a table, 1 coat of varnish with 2 coats to go and I have a table worth a couple of hundred dollars for about 5 dollars and a bit of effort.

    Money can always be put to a better use.

    Why would I give my life to the Lord, yet not my time or the resources He has entrusted me to use for His glory? Just wouldn't make sense.

    All I am, all I have, is for His glory.

    When we quote "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." We think of being spiritually empowered by Christ. The context is actually to do with finance and possessions. - Materialism.

    Phl 4:11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:

    Phl 4:12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

    Phl 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    If we are being honest when we say, "Jesus is all I need." Then we will be content with what we have and the pride of life (keeping up with the Jones's) will have to pull on us.

    Carl Jones, just journeying through.

  • I am not very materialistic at all

    I will happily shop at charity shops

    I could live without " things " ... although yes at the moment I am using my computer

    but give me a life where my day will be filled doing more worthwhile things , I will take it

    at the moment that is difficult for me and the computer is the only means of communicating with people I have

    I give to charity regularly , although not any particular ones

    and if I could , my dream would be to work with the gorillas in uganda

  • On a scale of 1-10 I would say 6...I like stuff but I don't always have fancy things and do donate to charities

  • I am very materialistic. Something I consider one of my greatest weaknesses. That said, I am something of a spendthrift. I hardly buy stuff at all. But I am very attached to the things of this world.

  • religious one :) Bq1. Do you like animal extra or human? human extra. Bq2. Do you think approximately love extra substantial or money? love each and each of ways :D Bq3. Are you prepared to sacrifice your very own existence for somebody you enjoyed? confident Bq4. On a scale on a million-10,do you think approximately your self a robust guy or woman or a bad one? good guy or woman, i'd supply my self a 7 :}

  • Tell me why the f*ck being materialistic is a problem?

    Oh, but no I'm not really materialistic. But that's probably because I'm broke.

  • Yes, I am materialistic LOL

    At least I'm honest about it though :D

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